I find it impressive that a panel with a close-up on Huntress' ass managed to work its way into the book. Kind of like the Wonder Woman butt shots that were prevalent in the early issues of JLA. The '90s were certainly a different time.

0 2

This is one of the weirdest counterfactual talking points from angry ideologues like yourself.
You can't be into comics without liking diversity and "inspiring women."
X-Men, Teen Titans, JLA, Legion of Super-Heroes...have you even LOOKED at a mainstream comic?

1 16

Alternate title for all this was “JLA: The Good Place.”

0 1

JLA - Paradise Lost I’m not entirely sure how they beat Asmodel. I guess a big part of it had to do with Neron being a fickle ally. Still an entertaining read that ends by positioning Zauriel as an auxillary member of the team.

0 4

This series concludes with JLA: Paradise Lost by Mark Millar, Ariel Olivetti, Daniel Vozzo, Heroic Age, and Chris Eliopoulos.

Asmodel's forces rage against the Silver City with only Zauriel and the Martian Manhunter left to stand in his way.

0 1

JLA - Paradise Lost The plot thickens, which of course, this is a three-issue series. Nobody is standing still. This is a fast-moving book by necessity, and it reads well in this issue as it moves quickly toward its end locale — heaven.

1 5

That time Lois Lane took down the JLA

6 24

JLA - Paradise Lost So, we decided to do this little divergence because I thought the Zauriel arc and involved characters were interesting...and this doesn’t disappoint the expectations that I had. This first issue, it seems like a fun sidestep from the full run.

0 6

I like the explanation here at the beginning of what we'd been told in JLA, but actually seeing it occur, as well as a recap of the essentials from & 7. Makes it easier to pick up if you've not read the earlier story.

0 1

I can't wait to read Marvel's take on the JLA 😉

0 3


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1 11

JLA This story arc is so epic, essentially what might be a modern event story or else worlds tale condensed into a few monthly issues. It also feels like we get shades of ideas Morrison would explore more intricately in Final Crisis, down to some similar moments.

1 18

Well in the main books you do see him do all the same things he does in that JLA issue. I think it was just that in the Superman titles he’s still learning how to use his new abilities and so he’s less confident in them.

0 3

I love that the JLA bunker is in Detroit, thereby reminding me of JLA Detroit.

0 3

JLA What a great issue. This is the first issue in which we ever hear the phrase “Darkseid Is”, I believe, and it is part of what is arguably the best comic involving New Gods characters not written by The King, Jack Kirby, himself.

2 26

JLA I really loved this issue, which just so perfectly blends Grant Morrison’s vast knowledge of metaphysical science and theories with superhero fantasy in space. It just...might not get any better than this, folks. What a time.

2 24

JLA Lex Luthor’s “corporate takeover” of the Justice League speeds along here, really going according to the plan until he runs into another CEO — Bruce Wayne. The corporate angle is a cool one.

0 13

JLA Intro to a new arc here, with the Injustice Squad. The weirdest thing if you’re just reading this on its own is that someone mentions Wonder Woman is dead and it’s never a thing that is explained or revisited past that.

1 10

I was going through this DeMatteis and Banks JLA/SPECTRE mini and -- I don't know, thought some of you might find this relevant to your interests

5 26

JLA One thing this run is doing so well is seeding the next arcs at the end of those that precede it, which is kind of a lost art now I think, with so much written for trade or (worse) written with no guarantee of extending past one story arc.

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