Celebratory merm draw for being in the Klei art stream after so many months due to college

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commission for klei

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WX-Big Daddy. Admittedly, I'd love to see a Don't Starve game set in surviving Rapture.

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Some city bg paintings I did for the first GAT episode. For these one off shots its easier to just paint it up than do a 3D set...

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In case you didn't know, we now also host a weekly Klei art stream on Tuesdays at 4:00 PM (PST)! Here's one of the DST art pieces created during a recent show:

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Something I drew awhile ago but wanted to share here. Two of my personal favorite skins from the Verdant and Snow Fallen sets from

Really looking forward to the future skins Klei Entertainment releases. They're always so wonderfully designed.

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Sorry for the spam but I LOVE WEINER,. still can't believe Klei made him canon...,..

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give me hoodie skins, Klei.....

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Thanks for an awesome event I really enjoyed The Forge. I'm sad to see it go but it was a lot of fun while it lasted. I look forward to the future events.

I won a match today playing as Maxwell so here's a picture to celebrate. Thank you again Klei.

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LATE , I know you've been OBSESSED with so I hope this makes up for the long wait. YES I KNOW I ADD A LOT OF HASHTAGS BUT I'M PROUD OF THIS SO YEA

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