Shakuntala ngl is one of the prettiest characters in my opinion

6 17

Holy crap, Yama!! Also, this might be a good time to mention that Yama is one of my favorite characters despite his relatively short amount of screentime💚

0 7

Fuck you, you piece of garbage‼ That wasn't Yama's fault and how dare you use his guilt against him like that and say something so vile🤬🤬

0 6

While I do at least understand Chandra and Vayu's points (the rest of them and their shitty opinions can just…), I'm with Yama. Ananta doesn't deserve this

0 7

Haha yeah, Nastikas are naturally evil and Astikas are naturally good😃🙃 Yeah, that's totally definitely true😃 I feel so bad for Yama rn

0 8

Oh man, that sucks. Yama must be incredibly bothered by this😔😔

0 8

Uhm, no offense but I think this might be one of the most terrible ideas I've heard recently

0 7

Oh sweetie… I think Kinnara used her but who knows maybe she really did earn her loyalty

0 7

I wonder what kinda agenda does Kinnara have

0 7

I think that might be the case here

0 7

This clearly tells me that not only Kubera does know Rao personally but he also trusts that he would never do such a thing

0 7

Excuse me, what⁉️⁉️⁉️ Rao Leez???? Currygom, you can't just drop a bombshell like that, wtf⁉️⁉️⁉️ How am I supposed to react to that??? Aaaaaa‼‼‼ Okay, I've regained my composure😅😅, let's see what else she is gonna say

0 8

Oh Kinnara was there as well? Yeah, that's important to note

0 7

I agree with the pink haired person here. Even though yes, it's true that it was a competition where his opponents would be revived but that doesn't change the fact that he didn't need to kill them and someone who can easily do that is dangerous to some degree

0 8

I wouldn't count on that

0 8

The worst thing that might happen to a king is being surrounded by bootlickers

0 8

Yeah, since he felt the need to threaten them with the blasphemy card, this situation must indeed be serious

0 7

I have never seen Kubera make a face like that and frankly that terrifies me, wth😨👀

0 7