"Rarely does an author execute alternate historical fiction with such polish, pacing, and a profound knowledge of the real history. This book is such a gem, and I eagerly await the sequel!" https://t.co/6LFaFdLnzp

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Southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) are the largest species of seal, but when they’re young they mostly consist of enormous puppy-dog eyes

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"This is the first time I have been tempted by alternate history about a person from the past with whom I am fascinated and about whom I have read a great deal. I ... was very quickly captivated and delighted" https://t.co/Nfd2aNLDJz

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Tomorrow I'm playtesting my DMs homebrew leonine race and Path of Feral Ferocity barbarian sub class. Looks like it'll be fun!

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Playtesting the final version of a board game I helped make, Thunderpwn! Post Apocalyptic Arena Combat, then playing my DMs original race/path leonine barbarian Path of Feral Ferocity

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My new barbarian, her name translates as "Summer to Autumn" playtesting my DMs leonine race & Path of Feral Ferocity, comes from a family of paladins, but her grandfather taught her the "old ways" which she embraced after flunking out of paladin school, (anger issues).

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Commission for Jaggers! Based on Marisi's Twinclaws from I love the design of Leonins and this was a blast :D

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Happy Here's a few of my leonine clients throughout the years.

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These elfs looked primal, wild, and fierce, sporting exotic feathers in their manes and striped war paint on their leonine faces.

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箱庭Sさまの「Leonino Vambino」第一展示場のN-07zにて頒布ですよー。

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『LeoninoVambino』 http://t.co/ZUj1lmlmAA 、ゲストキャラクターのディフェス・イアン・リーシアの画像を更新しました! メインキャラ・サブキャラのCV様募集は明日12日迄となっております。

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箱庭Sの新作・秋M3あわせ『LeoninoVambino』 http://t.co/ZUj1lmlmAA でCV様募集中です。残り1週間切りました。ショタメインですが大人の男女もいます。なにとぞよろしくお願い致します!

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というわけで、2015/10/25 東京流通センター【第一展示場/N-07z/箱庭S】

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箱庭Sの新作・秋M3あわせ『LeoninoVambino』 http://t.co/ZUj1lmlmAA でCV様募集中です。残り1週間程となりました。ショタメインですが大人の男女もいます。なにとぞよろしくお願い致します!

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