Two new bnha ocs! Faith and Grace, The Toy Makers. Faith's quirk is Doll possession and Grace's is Marionette. such creepy doll girls

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nobody should give me picrew makers. anyway here's some ocs

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Diana Scultori, 16thc Italian engraver from Mantua, Italy who was one of the earliest known female printmakers. As the first woman who signed her full name on a print, this enabling her rare recognition as an individual artist

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Hey fans, are you interested in contributing for a cross-series FE zine? We're looking for artists, writers, and comic makers. Please check these details out:

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I cannot resist doll makers............. I made me :,))

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An old Patreon Pack image! Al doesn't often let folks into the lab where he makes all his potions and other inventions, but when he DOES, shenanigans always happen! Guest starring several patrons as The Troublemakers. for full-res!

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A solitary mail carrier brings more than just letters to a forest community...

Kirkus Reviews: “A loving tribute to problem solvers, quarrel menders, and peacemakers.”. Kirkus Star ⭐️

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Probably Gaylord's biggest boxing rival is the bear seen here, and the luckless ursine frequently comes off worst in their fights. Not, however, on this occasion! (As always, the art in all these strips is by the peerlessly spiffing Wil Raymakers.)

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Tabs and I figured the Kraskits needed a bit of a cheat sheet for future artists and potential Kraskit-makers. In comic page form! :D -- Commissioned by Tabsterleir!

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I just love these Picrew makers. ❤

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From to to and more, is the leading online platform for artists, graphic artists, and printmakers. See more from its diverse collection on the feed:

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And then I found the male makers.

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Did the best I could to make myself in the female makers.

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For the igloo makers. Here are 3 things:

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Got obsessed with this makers. It'sa me! Thanks for posting cute makers

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So that website has all different kinds of styles of avatar makers. Hi. Welcome To My Strange Addiction.

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Found some male picrew image makers. Have some Jepeuli Han!

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This weekend the artists trail is back! the weather is looking good so what better way to spend a Saturday than a wander around SE26 to discover some of the fantastic work by local artists and makers.
Find the map here 👉

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