Here it is. The Himecore Genre

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if rocktopus is agent 8 then 3 is a really edgy animecore idol who presents the inkopolis stage news w rocktopus & has the vibe that they could destroy you with a look but generally doesnt say anything during the stage presentations
but when they do, they say really sweet things

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そぼこを動かしてみた! その2

35 110

そぼこを動かしてみた! その1

38 127

steamで現在セール中の「夢核」(YumeCore)クリアした記念たもこちゃん 値段もおてごろ難易度もほどほどサクッとプレイできてよかったです 掴み攻撃に爽快感のあるベルトスクロールアクションはよい

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YumeCore Achievements 100% (゚~゚)

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Ohayou!!! Maaf mimin udah lama ga update... keseringan coretmain gamecoret belajar /halah/ :v

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