//=time() ?>
Concept art for SOLO: A STAR WARS STORY by Jake Lunt Davies, Luke Fisher, and Ian McQue.
Il 13 marzo di diciassette anni fa usciva in Giappone Final Fantasy X-2, primo sequel diretto di un capitolo della serie. Al lancio le vendite del gioco sfiorarono i 2 milioni di copie, come raccontato in questo vecchio articolo: https://t.co/kDtpnzQAss.
Chrolololo: clown leader. I'e decided to spare you the full brunt of his ugliness, so be grateful. Anyway, yeah, is extremely ugly. His personality is enjoyable, but I don't support what he does.
The Rise of Skywalker (2019): The Buckshot (not its official name!), art by James Clyne.
3&4/ Artworks made for Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018).
Je post ma collab avec @Toka_Kiiro et @ItsKeiSi 🥺
Sketch: me
Line: Toka
Colo: Kei si
Mangal X @LadyMajinGuu ... Grandparents !?
Origine Drawing: ???
-> twich . tv/sewastian
Line Art: https://t.co/82jg7X6U47
Colo: https://t.co/zEj37KFn9P
Ps: Slight addition, add to the original design.
The rings and the armour ring, at the belly.
Looks like we'll see how he got his crossguard saber in issue 4 😭
#BenSolo: the misunderstood boy. Disney wtf
Llaveros: 1-5€ // 3-12€
Llaveros holo: 7€
Llaveros Final Fantasy: 1-4€// 3-10€
Pegatinas: 1-1€ // 3-2€
Origine Drawing of ZefiMankai (Deviantard)
-> https://t.co/OguQid1MID
Line Art: https://t.co/nbRQCa4KFE
Colo: https://t.co/yFaL4DpY0V
#narusaku #naruto #narutosakura #narutouzumaki #sakunaru #sakura #sakuraharuno #sakuranaruto #narutoshippuden #sakurashippuden
Ero nato il 21 febbraio 1876.
A quei tempi la vita non era molto pulita. Per niente sterile. Vivevano in case sporche a contatto con animali.
Cani, procioni, pipistrelli e topi.
Animali che potevano trasmettere una delle peggiori malattie del XIX secolo: la rabbia.
Solo: A Star Wars Story (2018): Art by Jake Lunt Davies.
In a parallel universe, these droids were the fashionable cute SW thing between BB-8, porgs and Baby Yoda.
Origine Drawing of Racso134 (Deviantard)
-> https://t.co/NivyBQZhXH
Line Art: https://t.co/QtN5cuIEdF
Colo: https://t.co/ifh11gU6ml
#dbm #dragonballmultiverse #brassj #dbmbra #dbmbrassj
Tutto chiacchiere e distintivo.
-sottotitolo: il nulla-
Oggi su @ilmanifesto
#LeleCorvi #BeppeBeppetti #salvinicitofona #salvini #lega #vergogna
Origine Drawing of Racso134 (Deviantard)
-> https://t.co/CPPZyZ7Q6f
Line Art: https://t.co/wiS8lOgb9T
Colo: https://t.co/8w9e8IHWtb
#dbh #kela #dragonballheroes #kaledbs #kaledragonballsuper #kaleuniverse6
DM ME!!!
• sketch: $5
• portrait: $20
• solo: $30
• pair: $45
• +3: $5 each in addition
Concept art from Solo: A Star Wars Story by Christopher Voy : https://t.co/nFUQZV0UH8
@JoestarDaily Diego: https://t.co/Om3gzOLqnf
Doppio: https://t.co/8HQPZM7UI9
Diavolo: https://t.co/aAspqQYlZ5
me&Dio: https://t.co/ggLss98N28
.@The_OnlyLara und ich haben zusammen ein Collab gemacht!
Wir beide und Katja aus AC im AC Stil (๑>◡<๑)
Lines: Lara
Colo: ich
Hat sehr viel Spaß gemacht ╰(*´︶`*)╯♡