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Namor's fought just about everyone in the Marvel Universe at one point or another so (not in any particular order) here's my 10 favorite Sub-Mariner Fights! Feel free to join in the convo with your favorite Namor battles! art: Jacksdad

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Buona giornata a tutti ☀️🌹

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I'm all about ornate details and decadent colors

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Spectacled Bear

Distribution: South America
Romanised Name: Megane guma
Japanese Name: メガネグマ
Scientific Name: Tremarctos ornatus
Diet: Omnivore
Conservation Status: Vulnerable
Average Lifespan in the Wild: 20

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Chissà perché,mi è tornata in mente una vecchia fiaba, L'uccellino blu,che mio nipote mi chiedeva di raccontargli ogni volta che mi capitava di farlo addormentare. E se stanotte la raccontassi a me stessa? Notte bimbe!
🖌Richard J Oliver🇺🇸Blue Bird Song

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Felice giornata Dida Cara, buon venerdì! ☀️🌻🌹💐🍇🍁🍂🍀🥰🤗❤️🫂📚🐾🎶😘

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