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Crazy & Harlee! From The Toons the Creator of the toons is @DigitalCaptn My Best Friend! :O!
They were really fun to draw!, anyway with that outta the way, Here's a Drawing I made of Crazy & Harlee From The Toons Hope you enjoy. :) #toons #cartoon #ghost
Thane's Heavensward discoveries: I really thought the FFXIV "church won't let us romance dragons" thing was a joke or a meme.......... but it's real....................... (Estinien get outta here!!)
#FFXIV #FFXIVspoilers
i got a cute tumblr ask i couldn't stop thinking about last night so i drew it before work--
faure get outta there
milk coffee is not made for bath
Gift from @SizeSupporter of yours truly being my massive self~ Biiig foot boutta squish your cityy
thank you my sweet~
also big thank you to @N_sktch <3 you did such a marvelous job and it really feels like me! Go follow them~
Why are people's accounts getting locked outta nowhere??
¡Hola!, no se si estoy queriendo hacer un record propio de dibujos por mes, pero aparte de las 12 viñetas que estoy culminando para la pagina de Whitouttale, tambien hice dos dibujos mas, y sin contar los dibujos propios, me tomare un mes de descanso despues XD.
I have farrr too many to love and care about to give up my part that easily on this beautiful stage. I'm normally a bubbly lil' goofball but that's the role i'm fortunate enough to choose. I'll be taking the piss outta life's darkest moments to make them just a smidge brighter~
I didn't have time to draw out a full art piece this Valentine's Day, but I just wanted to say I love the fuck outta @ZenkoZeni and I don't know where I'd be without him 💖
Happy Valentine's Day Everyone!
D: *had a whole OC valentine thing planned but ran outta time, slaps a red heart on my WIP of a new pin*
Me: nailed it. Happy Valentine’s Day to the lesbians, the lesbian’s 4 girlfriends and all the rest of you beautiful bastards.
Thank you for coming to today's stream !! Seeing all of you pop up outta no where to an unannounced stream (and esp since i haven't been live in a month) really touched me T_T <3 <3 <3
Here's a sneak peak of my two new kids coming !!
me when the violent stomach pains hit 30 sec post hot dog (im astral projecting outta here)
catching up destiny 2 season of the seraph so i can see this cutscene everyone is geeking out about!
last stream before i'm outta town for a week so come KICK IT!!
For those who want that chocolate outta the way, head on over to my Pixiv for the more "entertaining" version.
Noir & Quack! From The Toons
the Creator of the toons is @DigitalCaptn My Best Friend! :O!
My Favorite Characters From the Toons Has to be Noir & Quack, anyway with that outta the way, Here’s a Drawing I made of Noir & Quack From The Toons Hope you enjoy. :) #toons #duck