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Recent Art after Finally got her mission on 🙏🏽💔😩 // I’ll hang in there until I’ll get too and I hate getting broke moment all of sudden :”)

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Yes, I am heavily into the Persona/SMT series but I don't ramble about it much anymore due to reasons. P4G was my first ever psvita game back when I was in middle school; and it basically opened the floodgates to my obsession HAHAHA

I still have yet to play stuff like P5S but-

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here’s my full renders from my part in big p4au collab!!! pls go check it out and all the artists involved it’s so cool!!!!💕


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P4U2 Steam版発売という事で!!今回は!P4U2から鳴上くんと皆月くんを描きました!!!!


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Adachi and Nanako are too precious for this world

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Pues la semana pasada practicamente nada salio como pensabamos, pero SI NO LE PASA NADA, todo saldra bn. El jueves hay P4G con Ken, y los csm, el sabado YA HAY CASTLEVANIA y el domingo continuamos SMT III


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⭐SCHEDULE FOR 3-14 TO 3-20⭐
New schedule!!!
We're gonna finish JJ Macfield on Monday! We'll actually play P4G this week! And then we'll play more Legends Arceus!
And then close it out with a Phasmophobia collab with Tomatocat (I dunno if he has a Twitter)

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She's always in style.
Rise Kujikawa - Persona 4

Artist: | https://t.co/MdSvliT6AR

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ok but this is the game that got me into rhythm games. the first one i played that later led to 100 hours of taiko and 300 hours of 4k games. i unironically have way more fond memories of playing this game than p4g

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I literally need to draw her every week to feel happy


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