Ahhh 💤

OH ❕ Have I really been asleep all this time? 😅 Looks like I’m late to my debut by…a year? Sounds about right 🐌 But if all goes to plan, I’ll be seeing you guys soon! 🌧🍓

14 83

Timelapse. Go!

So as you can see, I usually just dive right in with no plan, freestyling everything.

It can be difficult sometimes but mostly fun!

1 9

Variations autour d'un même plan, et Godzilla, parce que Godzilla...

3 18

alright this is the general plan, I’ve only had the energy to do one and a bit so far but I wanna eventually get these mini profiles and sketches to make these creatures in a spiritfarer style

they’re not done in any particular order so dw if I haven’t doodled ur response yet x https://t.co/9NULf353Dk

0 2

“we have no plan, no home —”
“stop. deep breath. you always have a home with me.”


13 94

Incluso estaba entusiasmado de encontrarse con su hermano gracias al plan, siempre mostró interés por Eren y por fin encontraría a alguien que vivió por algo parecido y podrían desarrollar un vínculo fraternal

0 2

OK so I don't have a colored version or anything but this is their face and their body plan, You dont have to do anything with it ;w; There is always pipis...

0 9

so I might have what you need, they are called and they stared off without a plan, just a pure art, just have a look 👀

0 7


1 0

I've been radio silent for a while now, sorry about that. Things have been rough lately. But im back and gonna try streaming for a bit.

No real plan, some video games, maybe some art. Lets just play it by ear and have a chill time.

4 22

I keep hearing a lot of talk about the "build back better" plan, but I haven't seen anyone do shit about bringing back ninjas on jet skis

11 146

4. Inferno

Hickman se baja del barco sin que le dejen completar su gran plan, pero Krakoa vivirá mucho tiempo en manos ajenas y el viaje que he tenido desde HoX/PoX hasta aquí no me lo quita nadie.

Los pelos de punta, vaya colofón. Que bueno eres, grandísimo cabronazo 💘

0 12

Wanted to draw something in time for but things didn’t go to plan, so have some of my personal favourites.

5 25

Feliz año 2022, y que sus metas se cumplan, estare preparando nuevas cosas para este año.

3 20

New year, new plan, new hope!🎉🥰
Wish that I can do my best in this year!

1 3

Omicron, don't mess with my year plan, please.

42 46

para mi todavía no es 2, pero para den sí
ojala todos tus sueños se cumplan, q vivas muchos años más y radaradarada

tqm den, en verdad deseo q la pases bien (╯▽╰ )

1 8

Settled on a foot plan, I think. Also working in shape design for the flora

1 4

Espero que la estén pasando excelente en este día, que celebren muy bien y coman perfecto!
Espero sus metas y sueños se cumplan, que este año nada malo les pase!

Los amo seguidores míos 💕

7 27

Pre-new years nap 💜 If anybody is alone tonight (like me) then come join me for a New Years stream! I don't really have a plan, but there'll be champagne and company. 🖤 Estimated time will be 10~10:30PM PST.

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