Wenn ich ein Knopfspammer in Pokken sehe:
Lustig sein: Ging wohl schief

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Since i couldn't stream in the morning today, random power hour 6.0, and then a little bit of freedom unite pokke point grinding. https://t.co/5ey4cBICgD

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More detailed commission pricing. Tryna raise dolla to go to Dreamhack Austin for Pokkek and DBFZ.
More samples: https://t.co/H7hsDvVyiV

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10 44

When you're cornered by Charizard

253 553

Playing some Pokken with !

(Drawn by !!!)

16 108

Day 9 - favorite GHOST type: Chandelure

I'm a day late with this one but oh well. Chandelure was always pretty cool but got like 100% cooler for me after playing it in Pokken.

55 312

Twitch provided some awesome Pokken emotes and I wanted to take it a step further and make Pokken Gif Alerts!~
Only Lucario, Mewtwo, Scizor and Garchomp so far

🌟 -$5 per gif($2 more for custom colors for eyes, skin, etc)
🌟 -Free giveaway for every 50 followers(Twitch/Twitter)

9 34

Can we get Zeraora in Pokken or Smash? Quickly becoming one of my favourite Pokemon!

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I should make video compilations on how my local Pokken streamers react when they see me in friendlies.

8 40

Been a long time since I have painted for me. Here is a Braixen in spirit of Pokken Tournament!

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The perfect Tag-team! Lankstoise and Pikadorf/Manchu! But seriously have you seen Blastoise in Pokken? Looks like a Smash Bros moveswap.

5 60

Me playing Pokken friendlies & ranked in a nutshell.

66 202

I love most everything about Pokken but I absolutely HATE Blastoise’s gross long legs/arms model

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My fave Pokemon in Pokken tournament, that sassy Scaptile!

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a tribute to blastoise from pokken DX

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Looks like somebody's been hitting the gym in preparation foe his debut!

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They going to have to add one of the S/M starters and I’m going with decidueye he’s already in pokken wynaut?

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