Hello all! I’ve relaunched my P, with lots of goodies, including behind the scenes stuff, voting on future illustrations, comm opportunities and sketchbook updates. Check it out if you’d like 💕


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Little preview of the relaunch. I think the is going to really love these. Time to really surprise everyone and show that a project can come back from nothing.

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Some reading recs off the top of my head.
Want to read from the beginning and like 70’s/80’s comics? Track down the Epic Collection. Want a mid-2000’s relaunch that still influences the character? Check out The Bottom. Want amazing one-shots and art? Try From the Dead.

49 259

Awaken the faith that defeats giants!
The PreLaunch Page for the Chronicles of Faith: David Indiegogo is live! Sign up for info, updates, & a FREE preview of Issue 01, exclusively available as a part of this campaign!

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That JR JR. Amazing Spider-Man relaunch cover remixed w/ a black & white snow version because Spidey in the elements is thwipping cool. Color/BW/Original.

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We're going to relaunch the project in early Feb. So what we're going to do with the funds?

1. 20% of sales (Primary & Secondary) goes to Hara Foundation to empower Women Farmers in Indonesia

2. Community Wallet to support upcoming artists

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The 1st batch of mini series for for since the relaunch where ok and was good , but and where just ok not terrible but could been better 5/9

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The 1st batch of ongoing series from since the relaunch for varied in quality but for me the standouts where the 2 comics , and the ongoing series 4/9

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Yes, with the return of Captains Picard and Janeway, it would be wonderful we see more stories about Archer.

ENT had a relaunch novel series called "Rise of the Federation" which took place after the events of ENT Season 4 (Archer became an Admiral and worked in UFP HQ).

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At long last Im proud to present...


Set in the Rao-verse a decade prior, AWLY is the harrowing life story of a young soldier who perishes on the battlefield and bleeds out all her memories.

Kickstarter Feb 16th 2022 💔
Prelaunch link in thread.

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As alot of you know and if you didn't, Dik-Diks has made a few changes to the team. We are close to finalizing fine details📝 but we will be ready to relaunch in the following days. We ❤ and appreciate all your support thus far. Share, share, SHARE! 🥳🥳🥳

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New Series coming SOON! I'm going to be relaunching my comic Fool's Quarry this Friday January 14th! Stay tuned for this space adventure with a fantasy punch!

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Hello! I'm Jaiya and I'm the author of Silver Stars and FAILS. Silver Stars is getting a relaunch later this season so if you like stories with magic kids and found family, feel free to read the competition version and stick around for more 🌟

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director Jon Watts boards 'Final Destination 6' ☠️

He wrote the treatment for the franchise relaunch and will produce the film for HBO Max

(via | https://t.co/pKbKTqUJrT)

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Thank you to everyone who has purchase something from my store! The Relaunch of my site has been an absolute dream 🥺💖

thank you so much!

If you haven’t checked it out, the link is below. Grab something for you, ur kids, your partner or your bestie.🥰


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Black Bishop: A Shot At Love gives you two Xong Bros Variants

How can the former super spy turned mercenary balance her secret identity and a committed relationship? Not easily, that's for sure.

Kickstarter: https://t.co/x7a0szoc2t

Yes, this is a secret Young Rebels relaunch

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After new year they're still chilling together 🍵
(っ*´▿`ς )(っ´ヮ` *ς)

Okay, here is my new year 2022 resolution
• 👥Reach 35k followers on Twitter
• 💎 Relaunch Patreon with new tiers
• 🎨 Open 3 commissions
How about you?

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No better story out there than LBAC.. Stolen art that has been reclaimed by it's original artist and relaunched. Find me a better story. You can't!

11 35

Blessing of the Welkin Moon GIVEAWAY~!!

We will celebrate our relaunch with giveaway promo~!
1. Follow me on Twitter

2. Follow my Twitch channel! https://t.co/JB4HOc8hdi
3. Like and RT this post!

Raffle draw will be on January 30, 2021

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For 2022 really trying to fix how I interact with social media, and also just trying to get these comics I've made out there.
A loveletter to Ghibli and Alice in Wonderland. This is a watercolor comic I started back in 2018, but revisiting and relaunching for 2022.

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