It’s currently 1 am and i find myself falling back into the rabbit hole of aliens. I’ve know it all along

4 52

They caught the wrong one

188 1023

So, apparently I'm sexist for saying that Hinata is a good mother for wanting to stay home and take care of her kids. Apparently, I'm insulting career moms... who also want to take care of their children.
She's nuts.

12 69

I get the feeling some entitled douchebag is going to call me sexist for saying this, but I honestly prefer flamewar's original design as opposed to her other appearances. In general, I don't get what the problem with feminine robots is.

2 24

If y’all think different it’s because you’re sexist 🥰

0 2

Sou Jonas. Faço pessoas no papel e no digital. Ultimamente tô usando a desculpa do ombro machucado p n desenhar

Ig: jonasexistiu/ Jonasilustra

Pessoas que gosto de mais:
sempre vai estar, desculpa vc é minha ídola
sem worlds

5 24

📢 Face aux intimidations de Quantic dream, nous continuerons d'agir contre les violences sexistes

120 158

Everything started with an idea. An idea from Vickie Addington.

After college, Vickie's dreams of entering politics are crushed by the sexist views of her father, preferring her to find a suitor rather than pursue higher education.


5 25

Cute, nerdy, could be best boy if he wasn’t... slightly sexist and a bit of a sociopath. For a dating sim he’s perfect, irl I could have broken his pretty face

0 1

Important questions fellas, is it sexist to call a woman, a woman?

0 0

casual Jessica Rabbittttttttttt as requested by


I always felt wary of this character cuz of all of the sexist tropes that surrounded her creation LOL but im tryna see her as more of a Loyal Queen

2 23

I post my art and retweet cool art+pics

🦅Sona: Suburb Magpie
💗gf: Bonbon Bunny cat

No nazis, racists, terfs, sexist, homophobic, pedophiles etc.. etc... no hateful, resentful people !! I need peace in my life!!

Thank you for reading..,

3 28

Fellas is it sexist to call a group of women who are women, women?

5 19

Ichigo's sword hilt is a Buddhist symbol, women in bikinis aren't sexist, please find something better to do with your quarantine time besides bitching about Japanese cartoons, I beg you.

30 125

Sjws/virtuesignallers that dont like living legend amazing artwork and call it sexist can kiss my ass. DONT LIKE IT? Dont buy it. BUT dont lecture those who LOVE it like me. you sound like the fucking PMRC of comics...and I WILL BE FRANK ZAPPA taking u on.

1 8

Sexiled my sexist party leader kicked me out, so I team up with a mythical sorceress! :

Girl power à fond dans un univers sexiste au possible chamboulé par un duo faisant front a la misogynie et autres trope de fantasy envers les femmes.Vengeance qui dénonce tout en restant fun

0 2

I love her too. Literally one of the sexist characters ever made. I love me a sexy badass lady!

0 1

i can't stand this man


0 1

‍♀ Hoy es el y desde nos queremos sumar a la reivindicación de los derechos de la mujer y la igualdad real.

♀ En incluiremos un PUNTO LILA, con una zona de seguridad violeta en caso de sufrir o presenciar una agresión sexista.

6 33