Frogs in the park: we keep hoping.....Historia naturalis ranarum nostratium : in qua omnes earum proprietates, praesertim quae ad generationem ipsarum pertinent, fusius enarrantur, by AJ Rosel von Rosenhof et al.....1758, BHL/Smithsonian....

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Natural history and the park: Nouvelles illustrations de zoologie : contenant cinquante planches enlumineés d'oiseaux curieux, et qui non etés jamais descrits, et quelques de quadrupedes......, by Peter Brown, 1776, BHL/Smithsonian,

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Design for Frame Surrounding the Portrait of Sir Walter Raleigh, Gravelot, 1737–39

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Birds in the park: Illustrations of British birds, by HL Meyer, 1837-44, 4 vols, BHL/Smithsonian........

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🍃🎋💐🎨Butterfly Violet, Mary Vaux Walcott, 1860-1940. Butterfly Violet, 1923, watercolor on paper. In 1925, the Smithsonian published some 400 of her illustrations, accompanied by brief descriptions, in a five-volume work entitled North American Wild Flowers.

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Beetles in the park, and elsewhere: The natural history of beetles : illustrated by thirty-two plates, numerous wood-cuts, with memoir and portrait of Ray, by James Duncan et al.......1852, BHL/Smithsonian....

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Botanical illustration and the park: Flore d'Oware et de Benin, en Afrique, by Ambrose-Marie-François-Joseph Palisot de Beauvois, 1804-47, BHL/Smithsonian ..........

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Birds in the park: Companion to Gould's Handbook; or, Synopsis of the birds of Australia. Containing.......about 220 examples, for the most part from the original drawings, by S Diggles & J Gould, BHL/Smithsonian, 1877,

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Childrens' books in the park: Bilderbuch für Kinder : enthaltend eine angenehme Sammlung von Thieren, Pflanzen, Blumen, Früchten, Mineralien, Trachten.....various volumes, by FJ and C Bertuch, 1798-1830..........SHL/Smithsonian...

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Botanical illustration and the park: The florist and pomologist, vol.1-2, 1862-3........from BHL/Smithsonian...........

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Paintings at the Smithsonian Exhibition, in CATWS

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How to make a collagasaurus ! Ou comment inciter les enfants à fabriquer des créatures imaginaires en combinant les éléments présents dans les 2,8 millions d'images du Smithsonian (ça marche aussi avec ) ! v/

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will have a special edition of comic book. which is coming out in MAY 27, will be tied to movie, showing having to deal with 10 gunman making hostages at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History. Cover by

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Natural history and the park: Getreue Abbildungen naturhistorischer Gegenstände in Hinsicht auf Bechsteins kurzgefasste gemeinnützige Naturgeschichte des In- und Auslandes JM Bechstein, 1793-1809, 8 vols, from BHL/Smithsonian.....

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The Red Chair, Harry Brodsky (1908-1997); The Smithsonian American Art Museum. (Might need to tap for full view.)

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Hindu Art of Week: Smithsonian's "Six Recruits" by Gulam Khan in London

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