ainda não superei a perfeição do manhua de twif

O hanzhang lendo como o bom estrategista que ele é ❤️

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what am I supposed to get for Christmas it’s not like I can express deliver a genius anime strategist to my doorstep

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So much for leveling today.Caught up in making an OC backstory for Keiya Shadowfury and falling in love with it.

Its a story about an up and coming Warden who goes all "The Last Samurai", becomes one of the Illidari's top strategist and fights with their inner demons, litterally

1 7

"who is this clown you won't stop shitposting with or posting excerpts about" that's Gailizia Fantastic, a Strategist I'm playing in a Glitch game who lives in my head rent free

2 10

✨The ultimate strategist✨

Fanart of Shiroe from I’m currently watching season 2 and I’ve been liking the series so far

Any opinions?

I really appreciate all Likes❤️ and retweets 🔀

4 9

Eu e 3 personagens com os quais me identifico!

Bow(Arqueiro) - She-Ra: Leal, companheiro, criativo e bem humorado 😘

Garnet - Steven Universo: responsável, centrada e observadora🙏🏿

Kitana Kahn - Mortal Kombat: Justa, estrategista, destemida e trouxa (às vezes) 👑

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The red cute zodiac sign Cancer is the most emotional sign, which is very intelligent, determined, and charismatic, a born psychologist and strategist.

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▍ ▎ D A R K K N I G H T

the caped crusader︰𝑩𝑨𝑻 ,
who's protector of gotham

━━━━━━ ﹟ʙᴀᴛᴍᴀɴ
⠀ ⠀
❬ detective comics ᴕ dc rp ❭
one man reign of 𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐑𝐎𝐑 !

vigilante & strategist

⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ⃟ ・ ↺ ︎/ ♡

1067 1141

Oskar Zahl, 18 years, strategist. Born in Longyearbyen, Svalbard. Studied in Swedish office of the Service service school and transfered to the main office as his friend Mikko.
Plays football as left wing midfielder (number 26/6)

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The Speerly General and her strategist

🔥 Fang Runin and
🧮 Chen Kitay from The Poppy War

(The Burning God! Comes out!! Tomorrow!!!)

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“The villain in glasses”
“The strategist of the legendary party”
Shiroe from Log Horizon

2 8

Mané é um ex policial que após testemunhar certos eventos decidiu fazer as coisas da sua própria maneira.
Capaz de manipular o vento e o som, é um habilidoso estrategista, além de ter uma velocidade equiparável a de um Jato North-American X-15.

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second in command catra !! she's the best strategist and smartest leader to ever walk etheria 💖

8 41

Rumour is what i anticipate the most

King of Glory has around 80 heroes to choose from and YuTu would always pick Zhuge Liang, a Chinese politician, military strategist, engineer and inventor. The game character looks gorgeous 🥰🥰 it would be nice to see yy in that costume

11 51

I like it when Hwayrun refers Khun as Bam's strategist

Next time she will call him Bam's boyfriend maybe? Or Bam's husband?

3 55

⚠️ We've got two open spots on our team: Social Media Strategist and Associate Video Producer, International (Contract)! More info and more CR jobs here:

46 77

My master strategist Claude as a deer Laguz, cuz golden deer house lol
Reupload to try to fix quality

I took a screenshot in FEH of Claude with the Deer Antlers and I had to draw it.
DA Link:

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Frentober day 20: Nimble

Cheng I Sao was the most ferocious pirate China had ever known. She was a powerful fleet commander, a sharp businesswoman, and a consummate strategist.

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But Kain is my smartest. He's the strategist of the group. Doesn't hurt that his brain straight up works 25 times faster than the average brain.

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