『続・ウルトラファイト』本日TSUBURAYA IMAGINATIONにて配信開始!

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I have two new Oc’s, on the left is Kurayami The King of Darkness, he’s also Vee’s dad (another oc I have) on the right is Elise, Kurayami’s servant who is a brat 99.9% of the time

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FFXIV commissions for Suraya Epione

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월계관 쓴 호손... 아이코라 화장품 사용한 호손... 보고 싶었다...

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What better sweet for 'Tabi-no-hi' than Mikuraya's (御倉屋 ) 'tabiyakko' (旅奴). The name means 'to accompany on a trip', referring to the long line of attendants that would accompany daimyō to and from Edo.


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Prompt 2 from “Alternate Universe”! And this Hercules AU has been living in my mind rent-free since I rewatched this masterpiece recently!

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Didnt think we were starting today but heres my first drawing for mb week!!! The prompt was Ink

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👘Tsuraya's new kimono👘

Follow my other accounts:
TikTok, Pinterest, DeviantArt,Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram; artistickunoichi02
Wattpad: UzushioHimeSakuhi

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A new girl on the group; ❤️Akarui❤️

Follow my other accounts:
TikTok, Pinterest, DeviantArt,Twitter, Tumblr, Instagram; artistickunoichi02
Wattpad: UzushioHimeSakuhi

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3月19日より開催しておりました は5月8日無事に閉幕できました。

「TSUBURAYA EXHIBITION 2022 宮崎」を8月28日(日)まで開催予定!前売り券は各プレイガイドで好評発売中です!  

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今夏、みやざきアートセンターにウルトラマンがやってくる!「TSUBURAYA EXHIBITION 2022 宮崎」開催!円谷プロの創造性豊かなクリエイションの数々をご覧ください。現在、当日券よりお得な前売券を好評発売中!限定グッズ付入場券もお見逃しなく! 

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【The King of Darkness and his servant】
(On the left) Kurayami (or just “Yami”) is actually Vee’s dad as you guessed it hes the king of the dark.
(On the right) Elise is Yami’s servant who a bit of a brat (she doesn’t know that Vee and Yami are related)

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