Strongest sadness and depression fan // weakest voice of love enjoyer

376 1529

Best XC2 design VS Weakest WarioWare design

2 6

Me (world's weakest man) and my GF (world's strongest Pakistani woman)

0 24

In my nights' weakest moments;
Seeking comfort from the ghosts of my past

3 35

The weakest Atlas main

2 10

the strongest Type-Moon fan VS the weakest Blazblue fan

10 33

A jours dans the strongest sage with the weakest crest, un manga qui m'a surpris en bien, ça a tout pour être le truc vu et revu mais ça a sa personnalité et sait proposé un bon divertissement sans être lassant, le groupe principal est très agréable a suivre et se complète.

2 10

ik Ginrei gets tied up and barefoot in her little OVA sequel series that came out in the middle of Giant Robo's releases but she's easily the weakest character in the series and I would rather see Yoshi tied up and barefoot instead.

4 21

If anyone missing wt vibes or want something at least abit similar to it, i recommend you watching this anime as it has lots of similarity of yuma vibes n story n design of mc.

Anime: The strongest sage with the weakest crest

2 5

"With a powerful jump, the wyvern lifted off into the air and hovered, waiting for then opportunity to sink its talons into its prey's weakest spot. The monster was not hungry, but the stone in its brow demanded blood."
Art by nablange

18 98

Title: The Weakest Incompetence Reaches the Throne

Author: Message Bryan
Artist: N/A

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Yooo that happened in my game too 😂😂 I've blamed it on their mom since we all know by now Rylie has the world's weakest chin, but how on earth do his kids look like this 😭😭😂🤣

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Just wanted the strongest armour to the weakest...

0 6

weakest strongest
Zero One Zero One
enjoyer hater

1 2

Im actually having a really hard time deciding her colors.. I want her to be soft but my weakest color understanding is pastel TT TT

3 24

Ningens - Mortal beings blessed by the gods. They were the weakest of all race in terms of physical abilities but what they lack in power they make up with numbers as Ragun was the most populated of all realms.


1 11

Gibberlings are the weakest enemies in the dungeon, and as a result usually fight in packs. Squirmp, however, is determined to fight alone. What he lacks in strength and friends, he makes up for in persistence!

46 378

This is Delancie, she's a witch that has familiars that she keeps in a d20 die. She summons them by rolling [1 being the weakest and 20 the strongest]. She uses crystals to boost the magic of her familiars, and is no longer able to do magic on her own

cta: cozycatstudios

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