My main champ’s birthday 🎉

*late* 😭😭😭

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Oh Yeah.. Called it 😎

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Tiene aquí un yorick no tan chido pero luego te hago uno bien y bonito :D

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[ NoAurum: Can you...? ]

"Sorry.... I'm...sorry...."

This is actually an old comic but hey, lemme upload it here :)🤲🏻

- Noah Cronex (@/difuuw)
- Aurum Ammolite

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i only half colored yorick before the realization and stopped

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A commission from a couple of months back! The dashing pirate rogue Yorick for 🏴‍☠️✨

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After 2 Yrs we got Splitpush Itemization, Thank You.
Last time I can use these memes or version of them lol.
I just hope Hullbreaker delivers and gets tuned down..

Patch has a lot but happy to see most of these changes
Now to wait for Yorick Bugfixes..

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[ NoAurum ]

"Besides, ain't it's a nice time for us to enjoy the night wind breeze?"

- Noah Cronex (@/difuuw)
- Aurum Ammolite

48 83

Oh Quick question, since most pets like Yorick's are coded probably closely to be as "allied Minions"
Does this mean that they may receive these buffs aswell?

And would it be problematic if they do...? 👀

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[ ]

"A gentle melody is enough to fill the hollow inside the room."
- Delenio Concentio

"Someone once said, that we should capture and enjoy each of memories in our life."
- Navaratna Ammica

"Hunt? Kill? Greedy? No, I rather say 'survive'."
- Venator Latro

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Another pride profile-picture, because I wasn't quite satisfied with the one I created yesterday. This time with my persona Yorick again. Missed that guy!

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Malphit Buffs: Increased base dmg + Ratios
Illaoi: Here have some mana per lvl.

I appreciate this, since she is mana hungry and can now harrass without going OOM easily but..
Most Illaoi's take PoM, so this isn't her main problem.

Better than nothing like Yorick atm, Ty :T

2 125

I'm starting to lose hope again but..
Atleast Illaoi's getting some attention now.

Buffing Hecarim again despite him being fine, people just aren't playing him, so you buff him?
Atleast Kaisa's being addressed.

I'm just gonna wait for the Splitpus items & Yorick Bugfixes..

5 87

“Alas, poor Yorick! I knew him, Horatio, a fellow of infinite jest, of most excellent fancy. He hath borne me on his back a thousand times, and now, how abhorred in my imagination it is!”

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Is the skull in and ’s “Yorick” a blessing, or a curse? Probably a curse. Kass is also our Production Designer, laying this book out as we speak to send it off to print!

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[ The Soft Spotlight ]

"She's blooming under the spotlight
She'll be one of our star tonight"

- Ase Sanctitas

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Llorando por quinta vez en el día como la yorica que eres por la canción de Saturno mientras piensas en todos los ships homosexuales a los cuales no les puedes aplicar la excusa de magia para que tengan hijos biológicos.

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I'm just dissapointed that Illaoi's Buffs got cut out, Triforce Buffs cut out, hope she does better still.
Since atleast BC & Divine got nice buffs and mah boii Singed got some love.
Still needs better AP bruiser items but, Maybe the new items will help.
Oh also Bugfix Yorick Plz

1 82

'-' I think I'm on a good mood today, cause usually I would flame and go off harder in the comments..

Cause they really are Buffing Champs that were S FKN TIER, and not even doing terribly, while Yorick and a few others are in the dumps.
Worst part is we're just buggy asf atm..

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