画質 高画質

Finally done. I can now move on to other drawings... _(:3」∠)_

0 4

day 7: promise

send them loveeeee

i wanted to paint and so i finally got to it ;3;
💕this kinda makes me sad but happy- ლ(´ڡ`ლ)

133 343

翻译:sial 校对:Min j
LanWangJi's birthday(•̀ω•́)✧
Translation: sial Proofreading:Min j

72 170

"The chicken wing that Lan JingYi was holding in his mouth plopped into his bowl"

78 138

Giving 🌹to each other - LWJ ver vs WWX ver (*´∇`*)
Everyday is "WangXian" day (♡´艸`)

189 436

day 2: confession
"the silent, almost unnoticeable drop of a tear falling onto his neck.”
Lan Wangji repeated,"...Love you, want you..."

153 348

... ~ many centuries later ~ (lol sorry that's my touch of dumb humor)

2 14

尝试一下赛璐璐,认真勾了个线……emmmm 背景随便糊了下好像透视很奇怪0 0不管啦~~今天也是忘羡大法好的一天~

170 486

day 1: firsts :*)
my first idea was first time in the forest;; heheh
i did lwj first time being drunk and hahsbdhd such a softie
i’m weak for gap moe

235 572

Finally done.
Exercise before starting few bulk of deadlines.
Been trying to do newstyle of coloring...but habits hard to fight, need more practice in doing a more organic sketchy style of coloring.

8 73

Finally done.
Exercise before starting few bulk of deadlines.
Been trying to do newstyle of coloring...but habits hard to fight, need more practice in doing a more organic sketchy style of coloring.

15 48

Sometimes I just have to do God's work
CH 66 gave me, you know, FEELINGS so this scene is better to be somewhere behind the scenes =_=;

325 632