画質 高画質

Oy ! Live terminé avec ces deux nouveaux "Chibi Face of" réalisés sur

Ici avec (pas évident) & (platine)

Pour passer commande : https://t.co/cniEV9iA9J

Réalisé sur https://t.co/IEg6JkGdI2

6 159

"And you, young Skywalker. We will watch your career with great interest."

The poster artwork for each STAR WARS film is a vital part of the traditions of being a sky kid. Rise Young Teaser Artwork!

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C'est plus une trilogie, c'est un cadavre exquis.
En même temps Palpatine était tellement teasé dans le VII et le VIII
que... non, je déconne.

J'ai très envie de le voir juste pour voir comment ils ont galèré à rattacher les wagons.

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With the unveiling of the new poster, thought I'd drop my poster set ☺️...

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First the Emperor laughs at the teaser and now he is even in the poster. How crazy is this movie going to be? The saga was about Palpatine all the time!

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They really.. they really are making palpatine the big bad of the movie what’s the PLAN HERE GUYS

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OLHA ESSE PÔSTER de IX!!! Rey e Kylo Ren lutam enquanto Palpatine observa no fundo!!!

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🐸Diumenge d’11 a 13 h vine a la Font del Tòtil i passa una estona súper amb inflables❗️
☝🏻Recorda que cal anar a peu, amb patinet, bicicleta... res a motor. Durant el trajecte 2 avituallaments saludables per fer el camí més agradable❗️#ripollésinfància

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Hoy había dos gatines!!!! Aaaaaa

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Ultramatine 【ぺ-20b】 で今回も村さん

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Sonno eh? E sì, ormai l’ora è quella e il letto ci aspetta. Dalle finestre sta entrando un refolo di vento e con il vento una sorpresa...Non appena vi sarete addormentate, arriveranno le fatine della notte a illuminare i vostri sogni...Notte bimbe care!

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Here's another in response to the news of Ewan McGregor reprising his role, and directing episodes of the Obi-wan show! of Obi & Satine, The Duchess and her Knight.

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For rippin’ yarns in the vein of classic, Saturday matinees & classic look no further!
@ https://t.co/ns7as96K13 free & read some rippin’ yarns! Over 200+ free pages of goodness with a click o’ the link!

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Pick your print! Place your offer via email: satinezillah.com

14 66

Made it to Thursday.... Almost there.

Music by 🙌

See the Full Palpatine short on my pinned tweet 👍

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