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painting my boy Jericho finallyyyyyyy

i find him so tricky, pray for me

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Liebe Liebe

Hier die Bilder einer Patientin mit V.a. "septische Luxation???!!" (Zitat Radiologiebericht), Orthopäde ist überfragt.

Wie lautet Ihre/ eure Diagnose? Wie würdet ihr vorgehen?

Retweeten und Rumfragen erwünscht!

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Iericho, Nikolai, Nacht and Flux (art by Wolfsroad, , footybandit and me, in that order ^^)

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Don’t forget Rainerichthys (Rainer Zangerl) and like half of all eugeneodont genera are honorific too! (Reconstruction by Joschua Knuppe)

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Hey there!

Name’s Emerich or Emery!

I’m a trans dude from the Chicagoland suburbs! I post occasional Taxidermy, bones and insects, but do tag as such!

AD: for friends only!!

Talk to me about MHA and bugs ☺️🐛

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Hi I am Jericho, I like drawing original characters, and I also love animation.

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my fav’ Connor’s jump was after he turned a deviant in Jericho

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De 9de is verschenen. Zwierig tekenwerk en lollige grappen door en Bij verscheidene stripwinkels staat de tweede cover online afgebeeld, maar tenzij we ons vergissen, was dat een voorlopig exemplaar. De eerste is definitief. Enfin, Yolo!

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something different from what I usually draw and I picked a wrong resolution 🤦‍♂️

inspired by daisukerichard

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Probably my OC/Sona Jericho, he's had a lot of design changes since back then lmaoo

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DEATH BATTLE! Sulley VS Chris Jericho

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Hi I am Jericho, who mainly wanted to be an animator, but ended up doing character designs or illustrations. Nice to meet you.

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VOLG & RETWEET - win 20 credits (uitslag 29/05/2020), dus doe mee. BINNENKORT! Auction Café Storage Wars, houd mijn berichten in de gaten!

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I was drawing the hank1700 threesome and then my Spotify started to play this song...“JERICHO”🤣🤣🤣

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Heute geht's erstmal um Vagina&Beckenboden nach Geburt. Aber keine Sorge, mein Vulva-Bericht kommt auch noch 😁
Interessiert euch eigentlich auch das Thema Sex nach Geburt? 🤔

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