画質 高画質

This was hard to execute. At least line less art of my fursona, Cedric.

0 1

Explore Iphpha's art at his solo exhibition "GAHUVA : An infusion of Art and Coffee" this Wednesday at Le Cute.

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Today in 1916, Éamonn Ceannt, Con Colbert, Seán Heuston and Michael Mallin were executed for their role in the Easter Rising

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The bold illustrative style of is executed in ink, tea and whisky https://t.co/GKkDAFOhfh

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If I'm going to [be "delusional enough" to] believe in something/one, it's going to be this good, persecuted soul.

1 3

10th collaboration between & MAC
Explore "A WORLD OF WONDERS" by Eman
All are invited to the opening night.
Tonight 8:30pm at Lecute

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Tonight, explore a world of wonders by Eman at Le Cute in collab with

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Jean-Honoré Fragonard was born in 1732. 'Psyche showing her Sisters her Gifts from Cupid', is an early work executed in 1753.

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3月30日まで 11:00~21:00
mAAch ecute 神田万世橋  千代田区神田須田町1-25-4

4 11

「1週間だけ2号店」を開催した mAAch ecute 神田万世橋。大好きな場所だなぁと思っていたら、早速またご縁がありました!いま見るべき・触れるべきカルチャーを発信する集団アノニマス・キャンプさんの「Anonymous Camp Tokyo Vol.0」開催中。30日まで!

1 1

For the record, hit me with the idea 💡, I executed with the ✍🏾, immortalized it on his neck. Game Over.

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Who else remembers this hilariously poorly executed scene in kh2?

-Don't repost or use anywhere without proper credit. Pls ask permission.-

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Cutecutecutecutecutecute CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE CUTE C.U.T.E C. U. T. E.

19 57

Finished Prompto first so I could get a better handle on how I'm gonna execute the rest. Decided to remove the accent in the end!

1130 1739

Found this photo of writing stories about being a persecuted white woman in today's crazy world

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"Cove" planning a new of to execute next week

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dailybot sketch # 535/999
meh executed shapes, edition

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