画質 高画質

I finally remembered to for once! My words for my inaugural twoodle: caterpillar and ragdoll.

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EXPOSICIÓ meva a: BCN Design Hotel - Pg. de Gràcia, 29-31 (fins al 5 de juliol) Innauguració, 2 de maig a les 20h ☞

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Tanti Auguri a te~♪Tanti Auguri a te~♪Tanti Auguri a Giorno~!Tanti Auguri a te~!
Buon Compleanno, Giorno!

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Hoy se inaugura la exposición "TENSO" presentada por Sr.Peek en Yantares 5pm

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... Te deseo felicidad todos los días... tarde pero llegó😊 Tanti auguri a te bella!

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Starting an illustration a day project on my blog:
First one is in honor of the inauguration

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Today on swackett: Inauguration
swackett remembers John F. Kennedy as he gave his inaugural address on January 20 1961.

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ok che natale è passato, ma questa artwork è talmente bella che ce la metto lo stesso! Fili e Kili vi augurano:

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Anche se stasera non posso essere lì con voi, spero che vada meglio e che passi una bella serata <3 Auguri

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Un po' in ritardo, ma tanti auguri sic! :)

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