//=time() ?>
IM 이한결 2017.09.01 first debut
X1 이한결 2019.09.01 first win
2 years have passed and I am so proud of what you achieved Hangyul. You deserved all of it.
#FLAϟH1STWIN #X1FirstWin #Flash1stWin #HANGYUL #LEEHANGYUL #X1 #x1fanart #QUANTUM_LEAP @x1members
#ハンギョル #이한결
Haha officer bunnygyul🐰 now reporting...hangyul looks extra soft this fansigning I am UWU💕💕
#HANGYUL #한결 #LEEHANGYUL #X1 #x1fanart #QUANTUM_LEAP @x1members
#ハンギョル #이한결 #더유닛 #X1FLASH #FLAϟH #프로듀스X101
Open for a surprise and for you to be blessed by lee michael
#HANGYUL #한결 #LEEHANGYUL #X1 #x1fanart #QUANTUM_LEAP @x1members
#ハンギョル #이한결 #더유닛 #X1FLASH #FLAϟH #프로듀스X101
Sheep head buddies 💕💕 I still haven’t watched ep 2 but the scene where hangyul asked for seungyoun to do his sheep head is gold..I’m so UWU for the two of them💖💖
#조승연 #X1 #엑스원 #CHOSEUNGYOUN #スンヨンの女 #SEUNGYOUN #더유닛 #X1fanart #이한결 #ハンギョル #LEEHANGYUL
sun·shine [ˈsənˌSHīn] 🌻
1. direct sunlight unbroken by cloud, especially over a comparatively large area.
2. cheerfulness; happiness.
#X1 #엑스원 #CHOSEUNGYOUN #スンヨンの女 #SEUNGYOUN #choseungyeon #프듀X #더유닛 #X1fanart #X1Members #NAMDOHYON #LEEHANGYUL #남도현 #이한결