画質 高画質

These guys...just so....cute XD

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Boozle update! https://t.co/YPlwikbEq5 In which....just...don't think about it....

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I finished just in time a Reflection Halloween batch..Just four this year T/7//T! LOVE THEM A LOT!! LOVE HALLOWEEN!!

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We're releasing these two at ...just in case you're interested, like. Details coming soon!

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Would you look at this incredible work I just got from !!
I'm...just blown away, it's perfect ❤️

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ukwon was so shy that he thrust the fork into zico' nose😂but in reality...just shovelled food into zico's mouth......

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Is it time for some Halloween candy yet?! Something quick I drew up....just because. :)

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sketch of rainbow quartz hanging out at a dance studio or smth..just bein cool

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Handpainted thistles..just painted at Stockbridge Market.
30cm x 45cm

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sketching disney because why not...just for fun..

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Any time now a sheep is going to write the great ovine novel...just not in the next 20 minutes

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It's so the are sending you this big Because!

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@riseabstractart 半紙コラージュメインに絵画とアクセサリーの制作してます。1.Hibiscus 2.Just say yeah! 3.藍・紅 4.半紙コラージュアクセサリー 

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this is me right now...just waiting...

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Almost...just watching it for a few days....to touch up here and there. My nemesis...overworking!

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Oh you know...just your average Monday night hanging out with the Schumes.

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in Kinvara is over...just as I was getting the hang of painting those beautiful sails.

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Do not follow the competition.Just because they are competing.Observe yourself and find out what is the war for you.

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