画質 高画質

hi twitter. i was on a plane for 5 hours and all i had was my tablet and ibis paint, so here, take a ranboo i drew with my finger

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Used Ibis Paint for the first time again.

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I downloaded IBIS Paint the other day after swearing by Procreate for like the past 7 years and I think I’m getting the hang of it! I’m kinda liking it 😎

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-Process drawing (10hr on Ibis Paint X)

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tried selling my art on rarible coz im broke as hell.

if you guys interested you can visit here: https://t.co/o9gUabIEAr

gallery: https://t.co/qT9g4DzOSn

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私はアナログ人間なのでibisPaint が苦手💦ですが今回ibis でイラストにチャレンジしてみました❗️超🔰なので細かいニュアンス出せませんが、見ていただけると嬉しいです❣️(=^x^=)


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artist! mau tanya kira-kira di ibis ada gak ya brush yang teksturnya kaya gini?

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Ibis! It's actually so good for an app??

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どんなに小さいポケモンでも そらをとぶ覚えてて(地方によってはバッジ持って)たら一度言ったことある街はどこでもひとっ飛びですからね……ポケモン偉大だ~~

※Ibis paintのトレス素材お借りしてます

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Olá sou humylit e faço desenhos pelo ibis paint, gosto de fazer bastante fanarts mas ultimamente estou focado em criar meus próprios personagens

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ぽこさん( )のオリキャラ線画塗らせていただきました!女子高生イメージ😆ありがとうございました!✨ibisです

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Here's my art that I've made with ibis paint X and Pixel Studio

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5:00 Cafe hangout!
2-get-her au by
Bg is from ibis paint
(Story below : 3)

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the blue fire dragon 🐉

app i used: ibis paint x
ill miss my other profile for sure 😭
the hands are pretty big ik
i sucks at lighting shading 🙂💢
i forgot got to add the Horn's

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初めてibis paint x(?)のトレス素材使った、なんか段々とアイビスも進化していってるな

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Happy B-Day KittyPop!! I know you're busy, but just take this for the road!!

My ibis crashed on me drawing this, but it was worth the draw! >:D

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