画質 高画質

From the series 'Color Berlin'
Matthias Heiderich

33 105

WIP. JK / IWI Jericho 941
Markus's color palette as inspired(?)

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Additional Peppy Villagers

Flora-Osterich (but looks like a Flamingo xD)
Penelope-Mouse (HER EARS ARE A GIANT RIBBON <333)
Of course, Rosie-Cat

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Wer diese Woche was über das Delfinium Prints-Online-Bestellformular ordert und am Ende sein Lieblingspokémon und -gericht reinschreibt, kriegt genau das kombiniert in eines meiner gekauften Bücher reingezeichnet: https://t.co/zVuwLWJtWV

Wer weiß ...

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welcome to the community! Please consider following Nicholas Roerich . Thanks,

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Mit der Freiheit ist das
so ähnlich wie mit der Liebe

und mit der Liebe ist das
so ähnlich wie mit der Freiheit

Erich Fried 📷Heidi Lender

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803 - baby time!

thinking & talkin about how jericho & kiran knew each other growing up but lost touch in their late teens/early adulthood made we wanna draw them as kids
Jericho is probably 8 here and Kiran is 6

also the last few sketches i skipped to 900 but im in the 800s...

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low energy doodle. Only a bit more until I can draw with full energy again OwO
Also my favorite girls frontline pair now. I don't care of Jericho/X95 is not a thing. I'll make it a thing

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Is anyone open for badges !! Headshots or waist up preferably! Open to digital or traditional! Looking for some more stuff to put on my cork board of Emerich!!

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DEATH BATTLE! Sheldon Cooper & Triple H VS Chris Jericho & Mr. Potato Head

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Stuur me even een berichtje als je interesse hebt! Betalingen gaan via Tikkie :)
Oh hieronder zonder die lelijke prijsjes voor als je de tekeningen gewoon wil zien. En wacht nog even een paar minuutjes voor een groep heel bijzondere (en hiervoor beschikbare) villagers...

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, if you want even more goodness in your feed check out Nicholas Roerich . 🙏

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my account got limited for the past few days, so here are the pieces up to today. wednesday- thursday- friday- and today's is

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Cuando ya no queden árboles,
yo haré brotar un bosque nuevo.

Vivo en el solo ardor de la palabra,
con la raíz mojándose en mi centro,
y el aire, entre sus ramas
como estremecidas alas de mis versos.

Ángela Figuera Aymerich

- Ser Palabra Desnuda -

Malika Favre

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Corona has absolutely killed my art drive and made me super exhausted, the only thing close to art ive done in the past two weeks is this tiny scribble of Jericho's mom asdfghjkhgfdeedg

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