画質 高画質


“Porpentina (Tina) Goldstein” Fantastic Beasts illustration by Artist Apolar (https://t.co/XMWKluBz40)

8 32

A conjurer swordsister in the serpentine way through the forest
I started this illustration a year ago, but due to work, I had to set it aside until a few days back🙃

9 25

My philosophy is that means you suffer twice. ~J.K. Rowling, Fantastic Beasts

“Porpentina (Tina) Goldstein” by Apolar (https://t.co/IaMCZRcSiJ)

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Hojear el gabinete de fotos pintadas de y pensar en flores y serpentinas, en botánica y zoología, en anverso y reverso, en el día y la noche 🎨

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Another sktch I wasted too much time lol. Also this is a reupload because I wanted to make some changes to the drawing.

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Serpentine AU Amedot outfits

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Yo, al ver un bicho-volador no identificado posándose en la pantalla repentinamente...

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✨Rose Gold Goddess Wolpentinger Adopt✨
This is an OTA only accepting offers over 65$
150$ or more offers get a full ref sheet that includes 4 outfit chibis, 2 headshots and a fullbody back!

(Characters/Art addons but with cash payment | willing to do payment plan)

RTs > Likes

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Loïe Fuller and the Serpentine Dance ✨

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Kita bahas sedikit anatomi jantung ya. Jantung itu organ yang tugasnya paling penting: memompa darah ke seluruh tubuh. Jantung dapet nutrisi dari kumpulan arteri yang namanya arteri koroner. Arteri koroner inilah yang mastiin jantung bisa mompa sesuai fungsinya.

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Takut juga kadang-kadang.

Allah menampakkan kita baik sehingga mengaburi mata orang lain tentang keaiban kita.
Maka begitulah kita sendiri. Simpanlah aib anda sendiri. Jangan menceritakan tanpa sebab musabab yang penting.

Allah jaga aib kita, kita jagalah aib sendiri.

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mr ethereal / mr serpentine

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This is a creature one of my students designed in class- a serpentine hunter with scorpion-like armor living in a desert of sun-baked earth. Can you tell Im totally proud? Cos I so am!

Check out on Instagram for his work. He does stellar mechs!

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Un serpentin craneux du désert 🦂

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cantiknyaaa packaging dia ni. Focallure betul lah gila!

tak terkejar nak beli semua product dia. sebab semuanya bestttt

kualiti best, packaging best and paling penting harga pun best!!🥰

- latex free
- kembang & lembut je bila kena air

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