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[빅디퍼] 모바일 RPG 게임의 2020년 하반기 분야별 담당자를 모집중입니다. (UI, 배경, 애니메이터, 클라이언트, 서버, 밸런스, QA)
채용공고: https://t.co/6tyafNFwXW

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[크래프톤] [TERA/콘솔] QA 테스터 모집중. (계약직)
채용공고: https://t.co/leFSEUKIyx

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[베스파] QA 인재를 모집중입니다.

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9. 7'scarlet
스팀판으로 했고 모두가 리뷰에서 이미 지적하고 있듯이 한글판에서 세이브가 안되는 치명적인 문제가 있습니다만(일해라 QA!!!!!!!!!) 켠왕과 히든캐의 압박을 감당할 수만 있다면 괜찮은 게임입니다 이치코가 예쁘고 유즈키가 맛있 제가 지금 뭐라고 했나요?

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Logistics sometime necessitate editors inherit projects that are fully formed and kicking ass. That job is QA and traffic management, rather than creative. That's the case with me and LUCIFER, so I don't feel shame saying it's one of the best Sandman comics ever made.

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First game I worked on (2013, QA)
Last game I worked on (2020, QA)

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Q: 「デュオモードを導入する予定はありますか?」

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Site content finally migrated and fully accounted for. Now for thorough QA then hopefully should be back online by tomorrow...what a ballache Wordpress' export/ import tool is.

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Helloooo, it's me, Akira! (Kiki)

I've created a Marshmallow-qa account! You can ask me what you want to know about me :D

Answers are going to be livestreamed -I don't know when :'( YET!-


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Before I submit this plastic sword to QA, what colours should I include? I'm never good at knowing what colours people like 😅

Comment a colour below! Bonus points if you include the hex number 😉

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Neser mbreta, s/o xikit e ka qa coverin as always.

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thuis sisset39292qa-s=vcnvcxjx

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Square will have four sessions about FF7 Remake at the Japanese developer conference CEDEC, about
- Their autonomous QA system
- Character animation
- Sound creation system
- Recording "Limit Break", from vocals to orchestra.

Sessions take place on September 2 digitally.

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Since it is time for I am Rose.

I've been QA on Injustice 2, some medical mobile games, and Smite!

Currently I am a Community Manager on Paladins at Hi-Rez Studios. I also am mentoring in 2D art and loving every minute of it.

Been in the industry 4 yrs now!

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Hi I'm Robin. I make colorful spooky cartoons, comics, merch, game dev work, and QA! Most recently I helped to ship Ghost of Tsushima. I also have a webcomic you can read online!


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