Riding the / started by

"The Requital of Mrs. Robinson" (2004-2006)
This was my 1st semi-serious ongoing comic work. An ex-model turned man-hating serial killer delving into psych-themes. Inspired at the time by Tarantino's "Kill Bill"!

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GENTLE MOTIONS: ATSUSHI WADA'S SHORT ANIMATION (2004-2017) screening on Sat., Mar. 21, 3, 5 & 7 PM
The works of an award-winning Japanese animator whose distinctive hand-drawn style emphasizes a minimalist aesthetic and evocative use of negative space. https://t.co/zcsPUUbWh4

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Around the same time, 2004-06, Kyle Baker wrote and drew Plastic Man. Fun, funny book that took some well-placed shots at the grim-and-gritty superhero comics that were published during that era. Never really seemed to find the audience it deserved.

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Kindlet, Fire. Kindlet are very gentile but fragile Pokemon, trainers must be alert and keep an eye on their Kindlet because they often wander away into danger! 🐑

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Stargate Atlantis (2004-2009): Original Daedalus CGI model. 1,4 million polygons, rendered with Lightwave 3D.
2/Blended view with Wireframes.
3/View of the engine section.

The person who updloaded it on Reddit did the scene setup, rendering and editing. (https://t.co/ueMf9hUVi2)

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2004-2019 and I still have not practiced backgrounds yet, it's just character design all the way :))))


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I found some old art from like 2004-2007 era Ashley

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in 2006, issued three stamps as part of its "Flowers" series, which ran from 2004-10.


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括約筋が存在するのはどれか (柔整-2004-11)
1. 噴門
2. 幽門
3. 十二指腸空腸曲
4. 回盲部

解答 2

1 解剖学的には噴門に括約筋はないと考えます (臨床では逆流性食道炎などで噴門括約筋という言葉を使います)
3 トライツ靱帯
4 回盲弁 (バウヒン弁)

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Some stuff from 2004-05. That violent and cute mix was already there.

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誤っているのはどれか (理作-2004-17)
1. 食道と胃の連絡部を噴門という
2. 胃底は横隔膜に接する
3. 幽門は第1腰椎右側に位置する
4. 腸間膜小腸の前半部を回腸という
5. 下行結腸は腹腔の左後壁を下る

解答 4


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2001-02: Not Gundam
2004-08; 2009-17: Firepower of Gundam (Child ver./Adult ver./Movie ver.)
2009-13: Almost a Gundam (Adult ver.)
2018: Almost a Gundam (Child/Movie ver.)

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収容日:2019年11月21日 掲載日:2019年11月21日 №:AR00135
種類:雑種(ミックス) 毛色:茶色系 性別:メス 年齢:子犬 捕獲:玉名市岱明町高道

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