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Dru Blackthorn. ❤️

4 22

"Maybe that was why she liked horror movies, Dru thought; the dead never stayed dead, and those left behind were too busy wandering unwisely around in the woods to have time to grieve or feel loss"

Drusilla Blackthorn from The Shadowhunters Chronicles by

66 212

Blackthorn City Gym Leader Clair

"The Blessed User of Dragon Pokémon"

1 2

Morgana concept also done by First is Blackthorn

7 22

Blackthorn Apple!!🍎


36 109

Yellowhammers having a scratch & preen in thick blackthorn - strong wind from SW, just before rain set in

17 152

The goliath blackthorn, Jaaldura, who protects those who cannot protect themselves, has an unflinching loyalty to her coven sister. Such loyalty in the face of insurmountable odds is both a blessing and a curse.

8 29

Esta cuenta ha sido fan de Drusilla Blackthorn desde el primer momento en que salió. Es mi personaje favorito, uno que me representa física y emocionalmente. Jamás dudé de su potencial y siempre dije que en QOAAD sería de lo mejor que nos pasaría. Y así fue, y para TWP será mejor

18 75

The Blackthorn Fairy

The wind is cold, the seems long a-waking;
The woods are brown and bare;
Yet this is soon April will be making
All things most sweet and fair.

Cicely Mary Barker

9 25

A quick inspired sketch on a fan video I found on YouTube that was for my seen here
listening to the song remind me of Rose I wasn’t going to color it but I tried anyway. XP

9 63

This Kieran, Cristina Rosales and Mark Blackthorn artwork by is my favourite of all time. It's glorious! 😍❤️

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Blackthorn in blossom in Cheshire. Just beautiful.

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Blackthorn Morgana is on sale ahead of her champion update!

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【190221 PBE】モルガナのスキン新スプラッシュアート(1/2)
・堕天使モルガナ(Exiled Morgana)
・邪悪なパン職人モルガナ(Sinful Succulence Morgana)
・剣の支配者モルガナ(Blade Mistress Morgana)
・ブラックソーン モルガナ(Blackthorn Morgana)

29 24

Blackthorn Morgana Chroma 2/2

27 92

Blackthorn Morgana Chroma 1/2

35 128