Never let Rubi use Blake's weapon, or any kind of weapon she has no experience with xD poor Blake.

0 2

A Tale of Kitty in Boots - Quentin Blake's original at

9 28

Blake's sublime drawings for Dante's Divine Comedy,over which he labored until his dying day

58 89

Great review from : "The spikiness of Blake's line suits the spikiness of Saki's universe…"

13 30

Happy Birthday, Alice Provensen, August 14. Illustrator of A VISIT TO WILLIAM BLAKE'S INN and THE GLORIOUS FLIGHT.

1 2

Love this! Quentin Blake's unpublished illustrations of The BFG - in pictures

7 8

Illustrator & patron Quentin Blake's unpublished illustrations of The BFG

6 11

i just can't wait when Blake's character will be revealed!

11 39

William Blake's stunning paintings for Dante's 'Divine Comedy'

74 108

William Blake's stunning illustrations for Dante's 'Divine Comedy'

24 33

Looking for inspiration? How about this - Quentin Blake's work

2 3

This gallery dedicated to Quentin Blake's work opens today

29 49

Blake's The Red Dragon featured in available as a fine art print

1 3

Blake's 7: ' the very cheapness of the whole thing was inspiring': new blog by

6 5

Rod & I are huge fans of Blake's 7 and Gareth Thomas, and we've shown that love in BMS over the years. RIP, sir.

1 2

Excited for the first day of Enjoy William Blake's "Songs of Innocence," ca. 1794:

18 26

William Blake's Laocoön (1826). Learn more in our latest essay:

34 42

Quentin Blake's greatest decapitations.

16 23