Day 3 : Bonnivier Pranaja from Nijisanji ID.

A retired professional fisherman who is overqualified in everything. He said he specialized in FPS games but we know he will ace everything he touches.

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👓Happy Glasses Day 10 01👓

Terima kasih banyak sudah diberi kesempatan untuk ikut kolaborasi ヾ(*′○`)゚.+:。゚
Please check others' awesome works too ノ♡

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PLEASE DON'T FORGET TO HYDRATE--!! (My first art of Bobon! finally! XD Watching his stream atm!)

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am still thinking about nekopara stream //
anyway enjoy om bobon in cafe staff/butler uniform🎣

i actually like the left one better? maybe bcs its kinda muted color

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Akhirnya selesai jugaa~~ beberapa hari yang lalu lihat stream si bocil haha jadinya gambar ini ^^
P.s kak hana,bobon kecilnya jangan di takutin terus,kasihan tuh sampai nangis..Www

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"kept u waiting huh?"
...solid bon//YE
maap om saya gabut tenga malem terus malah kebayang om bon jadi "ular utuh" dari "roda gerigi besi utuh"

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kenapa style nya jadi begini 😅

still tired and sore because of yesterday, but I wanna draw something asdfghjkl
gosh it's so hard to draw faces from this angle,,, I hope this doesn't look weird...

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for context, check om bon's bocil stream!

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Shota Bonni is so cuteeeee, must proteccc 💪

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because there will be "bocil" stream tonight so,,, yeah
ngebayangin bobon kecil mancing, nyari umpan terus bangga banget pas dapet ikan wkwkwk

thank you and for the inspiration, I'm sorry I can't make it as good as your initial design huhuhu

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aaaaaaaaaa om bobon met ultah om bobon
makin jadi om yang bisa ngebait kita semua! mantjing mania mantapu U3U

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HAPPY BIRTHDAY OM BON!! This is such a rushed piece aku bikinnya dari mulai stream- I'm sorry it's not the best om :"<

//no glass Bon ftw

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