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Happy Birthday CHANGBIN
Thank you everything you do.
I'm so thankful that you were born.

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우리 비니 생일축하해 🥳💗#스트레이키즈

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Maybe you wouldn't drop the cake if the cake was you, haha.... just kidding.... Unless?? 🍓


123 307

this is for
im busy at otakon right now but i just wanna day how much i love you and how much you deserve everything in this world- you’re my inspiration!! in just achieving my dreams and being comfortable with who i am- thank you for being you ❤️

27 68

오늘 이 세상에서
창빈아가 가장 행복한
사람이었으면 좋겠어요 :)

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You helped a lot of ppl with ur existence~
A fanart for Changbin's bday I tried to make it badass but I think I failed but at least I tried >_> I wish u happiness changbin uwu
Cr for the pic.@/TheLastVerse_cb

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С Днём Рождения лучший репер, 🖤побольше кушай и отдыхай, и почаще улыбайся , мы любим тебя ❤️

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