This one I did for a contest is a squirrel skiing :D⁠

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wip based on the new comte card in jp server isdfhjsldhvb

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fun fact Comte personally pierces your ears and gives u cut earrings before you can live in the mansion

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[ hades oc ] eros wip,,,, comtemplating on whether i wanna full emulate the color style or jus kinda wing it

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Le Comte's birthday is coming soon 🤎

Get a head start on the celebration with a special story sale, special birthday Card, and birthday avatars!

⭐ Play IkéVamp Now! 🌙

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C'est la naissance de Bwoohoho, énutrof pokémon qui matche avec le comte harebourg palette.
(parle ce qu'il dit son nom quand il tape, c'est la définition même d'un pokemon)

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It's this card of Le Comte

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Ca va il n'est pas encore minuit!
Comte Harebourg!
(Mon copain voyait une erreur là dedans mais non s'fait exprès; Je voulais dessiner les deux de dofus et wakfu MAIS c'est bel et bien le même personnage au cas ou!)

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EDGAR DEGAS 1834-1917

The Ballet Master c1876

Monotype(black ink)
with white chalk or
wash on laid paper

plate:56.5 x 70 cm
sheet:62 x 85 cm

Exhib. National Gallery of Art
Washington'til 12 Oct.

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Time Chasing Love Away [Le Temps chasse l'Amour Toile] (1895) by Pierre-Charles Comte (1823–1895).

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You know... Comte would probably come off very creepy if we didn't know he's a vampire XD

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de sort le 27 octobre 2020 en Blu-ray UltraHD 4k chez l'éditeur 🇺🇸 . S'inspirant de la comtesse hongroise Élisabeth Báthory, de sa légende vampire, en la transposant dans la 🇧🇪 des années 1970. Et les mélodies de

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The piece that I contribute to
Featuring Kitsune Vlad and Tanuki Comte
I would like to thank you for accepting me in this zine and working with you all talented artists and writers. I hope we can work together again in the future 🌸🐥

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His influence in French art was such that he won the Grand Médaille d’Honneur in 1865, 1867 & 1878. Death of Francesca da Rimini (1870), La Comtesse de Keller (1873) & Echo (1874). They were of the melodramatic taste of the time with enough nudity to tickle his patrons urges.

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