Max is walking the dog today. The same course as usual, but the Autumn leaves make it feel different.

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Today we collected chestnuts from a local field and will make chestnut rice later! Got to be careful not to cut yourself when taking off the hard shell!🌰🌰🌰

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Did you enjoy Halloween? November is here. Even though Halloween is over you can still play the Halloween challenge game!

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I found a spider as big as a child's hand in the washing. I carefully put it back in the garden!

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I'm making a birds nest. I cut some wood and held it in place with nails. Almost finished!

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I saw the birds eating Japanese persimmon this morning. I hope they can find enough food during the winter.

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The mornings and nights are feeling chilly. I can hear the sound of crickets in the garden too. Ringo tried to capture some crickets with a net but Ichigo stopped him!

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Autumn is here and with it are lots of new ingredients I can use. Time to put my skills to the test!

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I noticed a hole in Ringo's shoes when I was washing them! They're still wearable so I'll patch them up!

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Ichigo made some cupcakes at the weekend. So beautifully made and cute!

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The weather can't make its mind up recently. Should I risk putting the washing outside or inside?

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Mornings are cooler these days. Kids are back into their school routine and the mornings are busy again!

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Its cooler these days and the sun's rays aren't as strong.
The air is crisp - Autumn is here! ✨🌰🍄✨

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Kid's summer vacation is over so Papa has to take over walking Max again. I guess the walks aren't as long now!

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Ichigo and Ringo met their friends at school again. They couldn't stop talking about them over snack time!

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Kid's summer vacation is over. I like September because it's cooler in the mornings and evenings.

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It's cooler now at the end of August so I think I'll take Max on a longer walk today.

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