Have children between Preschool and 6th grade? Join us this Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30 p.m. for AWANA!

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Sur les toits de Los Santos

5 43

Jr. and Sr. High Students! Fusion Sunday night we involve serving as part of Candyland! Set up will be at 12:30 pm Sunday if available. Please arrive at 4:30 pm. to serve. Costumes are encouraged, but please keep them kid friendly with no masks. See you Sunday!!!

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📣Wicked City News 🌆📰

6⃣ pieces sold, 3⃣ pieces on-sale for primary right now. New mint is coming tonight.

3 16

Have children between Preschool and 6th grade? Join us this Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30 p.m. for AWANA!

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Jr. and Sr. Higher's! Join us Sunday night from 6:00-8:00 p.m. for Fusion! We look forward to seeing you Sunday night...

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A satisfying special for Adventure Time!
Btw if you're curious of my Distant Lands ranking :
BMO : 8.8/10
Obsidian : 9/10
Together Again : 9.5/10
Wizard City : 8.5/10

2 8

Have children between Preschool and 6th grade? Join us this Wednesday night from 6:00-7:30 p.m. for AWANA!

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Saison 2 de MindCity🪐 ce soir!! LET'S GO!!
nouveau départ pour Jacob Weber au LSPD!

10 86

Demain Mindcity ça reprend (donc les lives aussi 👀) et comme pour la dernière fois j'ai fait un bêta design que j'ai dessiné, on verra comment il évoluera au fil du rp :>
Je vous présente Alan Wood !

4 40

Jr. and Sr. Higher's! Join us Sunday night from 6:00-8:00 p.m. for Fusion! We look forward to seeing you Sunday night...

0 0

SoulsTober10. Terrarium | But one day, tiny flames will dance across the darkness.

153 495

La Famille au Benny's 😳

3 29

Je tweet jamais...
Je t'aime
Best padawan

1 7