how do i say that all i want is a little fucking pity and just a slither of kindness because my LIFE right now is DOGSHIT and i have NO ONE to talk to about it caus i dont want to keep bothering people with my bullshit even tho nobody is around to LISTEN ANYWAY

0 0

The dlc could be dogshit and I’d be happy only if I can s-support this fuck
I’m a simple man with simple desires

0 1

I refuse to believe that you can be this dogshit turn your monitor on man pls

0 0

5 months difference and my art still looks like dogshit lmfao

22 215

I drew a oc and i'm super fuckin proud of it because it's one of the first things i've made that doesn't look like dogshit 5 seconds after looking it over-
SHSL Tattoo Artist

0 3

saw some Absolute Dogshit from people i cut off earlier tonight that made me sad/mad enough to. Draw Literally The Opposite

ill give these two proper names Eventually but Left is a lounge inger and right is a snarky succubus and Theyre In Luv

2 9

"Why do you smell like dogshit?"

"What? Fuck you. I smell like cigarettes."

"Yeah, dogshit."


0 4

what goes through these peoples heads when they make dogshit tweets like this

0 5

Dogshitter looks kinda interesting..

0 0

Thread of characters I feel like i can beat the absolute dogshit out of

21 43

my disappointment is immeasurable. watching nightblue through the past couple years made me enjoy league of legends even though its a dogshit game, but i never saw you as toxic as this. Now it feels like the nice guy figure you put on stream is just an act. I m confused

0 12

Some random said my art was dogshit so I'm making more! Come chill with me!

0 19

Yeah this drawing is dogshit but I still love it so I’m posting it anyway
the new mafia video was golden 👌

0 2

an oddly cute couple I colored in by WolfGoneWide over on FA who you can check out here and if you want to read an absolute dogshit short story you shouldn't go here in the description because you're clearly insane

8 49

Day 11/365

0 10

Amazingly enough the live action on Netflix was actually pretty decent. Especially when you look back at the dogshit-on-film they labeled as a Death Note movie. Only crit I would have is they should slap some wear'n tear on the costumes, everything looked too clean.

0 1

holy shit has brush smoothing now

i can actually draw without it looking like utter dogshit i was not expecting this today

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