Look at me and my cutie best boi this is my pfp for everything now!

1 20

Day 93 of every character 'til

This'll be the last one on this canvas before I transfer over to the (hopefully) final size. It's gonna be challenging fitting them all within the limits, but I'm ready!

Also, Boofly!

13 78

Day 92 of every character 'til

Momma aspid now has some babies.

14 106

Day 90 of every character 'til

Rollie pollie is now armored!

6 71

Day 89 of every character 'til

Teeny-tiny blue rollie pollie!

11 93

Day 88 of every character 'til

Creepy singing ghost-knight is here.

8 74

Day 87 of every character 'til

Two ghost grasshoppers(?) in the middle of an eternal argument.

11 84

Day 86 of every character 'til

Tiny spider freaked out over shapeshifting spider.

10 76