theoretically there wos a less primitive way 4 me 2 dump alla these but the thread is here now. we live w our mistakes. i'll do even better next year!

0 6

Oh no, what am I getting myself into...
This is my first

1 9

It's the end of the day and I'm sleeeeeeppyyyy.

0 5

well. im done for today, hope you guys enjoyed my very tired and painful day with me on

0 6

Watching TV while doing Downward Dog is my personal invention

3 15

I think this is where I’m going to wrap up ! I’m a bit worn out already but this was fun and I hope anyone reading this enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed drawing them !

10 74

This is the first time I’ve ever tried and Oh God.

7 50

YOU ALL THOUGHT I QUIT, BUT CONTINUES!!! ended up buying the tape, I just COULDN'T DECIDE

3 51