Oskar Kokoschka, The Crucifixion (Christus am Kreuz) from the series The Passion (Die Passion), (1916) https://t.co/dNdBSosiEv

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Oskar Kokoschka, Couples in Conversation (Paare im Gespräch) (in-text plate, folio 7) from Die träumenden Knaben (The Dreaming Boys), 1917 (executed 1907-08) https://t.co/sk0d5AUjW1

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Oskar Kokoschka, Plate from The Dreaming Youths, 1907-08 (published 1917) https://t.co/jcGCOCDlF1

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Oskar Kokoschka, Girl in Meadow Before a Village (Mädchen auf Wiese vor einem Dorf (postcard), (1908) https://t.co/jy7tPQMglJ

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Portrait of Commerce Counselor Ebenstein, 1908

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Oskar Kokoschka, Plate from The Dreaming Youths, 1907-08 (published 1917) https://t.co/FWjBjqGLSV

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Oskar Kokoschka, Portrait Paul Westheimfrom the periodical in portfolio form Die Schaffenden, vol. 4, no. 3, (1923) https://t.co/wmy1JiPLAJ

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Oskar Kokoschka, Job, Anima and the Contortionist (Hiob, Anima und der Kautschukmann) (plate, page 27) from Hiob (Job), 1917 (executed 1916/17) https://t.co/BJvZHoMjVG

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Oskar Kokoschka’s 1946 WC Flowers in a Glass Vase, Carefully applied splotches economically reveal a lovely impression, excellent My WCs similar idea: https://t.co/12zXFdGVl4

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Oskar Kokoschka, Woman with Child and Death (Frau mit Kind und Tod) (plate, folio 7) from Die Chinesische Mauer (The Great Wall of China), 1914 (executed 1913) https://t.co/hj3PQxbpUn

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Oskar Kokoschka, The Supplicant (Die Flehende) (plate 5) from O Eternity - Thou Word of Thunder (Bach Cantata) [O Ewigkeit - Du Donnerwort (Bachkantate)], (1914, published 1916) https://t.co/7yEX4gn4Wq

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Oskar Kokoschka, Job and the Contortionist (Hiob und der Kautschukmann) (plate, page 19) from Hiob (Job), 1917 (executed 1916/17) https://t.co/lffNYHO4rV

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Oskar Kokoschka, Käthe Richter (Head, Slightly Tilted Back) [Käthe Richter (Kopf, leicht zurückgeneigt)] (plate, preceding p. 289) from the periodical Das Kunstblatt, vol. 1, no. 10 (Oct 1917), 1917 https://t.co/d9c3BFPYSg

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Oskar Kokoschka, Plate from The Dreaming Youths, 1907-08 (published 1917) https://t.co/v9H2e60uU1

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Oskar Kokoschka, Plate from The Dreaming Youths, 1907-08 (published 1917) https://t.co/2bWIIKM9hf

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Oskar Kokoschka, Self-Portait from Two Sides (Selbstbildnis von zwei Seiten), (1923) https://t.co/mzO7pV4nQZ

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