How would the original 7 Solar Rangers' last fight look like?
I took Ellarien's different Ranger panels, recolored them, 1 for each Ranger and created a scene. I know they would have diff helmet shapes but I just used the same one as they are unseen.

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The original Solar Rangers team. These 4 appeared on the comics. The other 3 just color silhouettes so I made them.

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Larra Riyer
Birth-Mother: Faehana Riyer
- Elf
- Alive
Birth-Father: Kal Riyer
- Human
- Alive

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Larra, is actually a dwarven name. Her human father and elven mother, wanted to honor the dwarves that saved their life and took them in. Her alias was given to her by her dwarven blacksmithing teachers bc of her fast blacksmithing skills.

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Ekspressi Clarra saat melihat comment netijen yang nyinyir 😏

From Symaaasym (Instagram)

Thank you for this good fanart 😋😋😋

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Kalian pasti penasaran sama hasil pemenang Giveawaynya ya ? xD

Pemenangnya adalahhhhh~~~
1. Teddy Sanjaya
2. Sakura Channel
3. Christian Viali

CONGRATS !! Terima kasih sudah berpatisipasi dalam giveaway pertama Clarra ya guys >w<

Stay Tune With Clarra 💕💕💕

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Terima kasih lagi atas pesan kesannya yang dikirim ke Fanpage Facebook Clarra yaaa >< !!
Kali ini fanart Clarra bersama Sakura xD

From Sakura Channel (Facebook)

Thank you for this cute fanart 💕💕💕

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