Recent arts incoming! Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m an American, self taught, 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

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Hey, Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m an American, self taught, 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

1 3

Good morning good life. Hey, Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m an American, self taught, 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

1 1

Hey, Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m an American, self taught, 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

1 2

Hey, Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m an American, self taught, 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

1 4

Hey, Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

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Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

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Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

1 2

Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

2 0 asashimo (kancolle) fujinami (kancolle) hamanami (kancolle) by shakeda mamoshirou

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6. A jak już przy dzieciństwie jesteśmy, to nie mogę nie wspomnieć o Kajkach i Kokoszach, szczególnie o tym konkretnym zeszycie, bo kiedyś katowałem je na równi z tymi Spidermanami. Potrafiłem je czytać w kółko XD Na pewno do dziś dobrze się trzymają, podobnie jak Asteriksy.

0 0 fujinami (kancolle) hamanami (kancolle) by kirisawa juuzou

0 3

Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

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Gm! Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

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Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

1 1

Good morning good life. Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

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Thanks for the Name’s ManaMinori. I’m a 2d digital artist who works in MS Paint, and also has commissions open!

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