Lion and the Lamb, Agave and Sego lily, Sedona, AZ by Dyana Hesson in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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Caramel Apples by Chris Krupinski in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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Rev'd-Up by Jan Guarino in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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Show off your Kingdom's bravest units in our latest Oathmark contest, to celebrate the upcoming release of Oathmark: Battlesworn! Head to the blog for details on how to enter -

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Amanda: *points out where Rex really is*


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Hallelujah by Linda Glover Gooch in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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<Repeat Mark: 리핏 마크> 깜짝 (~7/12)

작가님의 건강 악화와 휴재 소식에 마음 아플 여러분을 위해 준비한 이벤트🥲🥲
<Repeat Mark:> 2부 10화 이상 구매하여 DM/멘션으로 인증샷을 보내주세요.

세 분께, 작가님의 귀여운 사인이 담긴 A5엽서와 포토카드 2종을 선물 드립니다❣

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Icelandic Shimmers by Jacqueline Jones in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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Falcon Saves Mark: Falcon would give his life to protect Mark.

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Happy Midsummer's Day, everyone!
Illustration: An Elf and a Fairy kissing, by Richard Doyle

[BL Shelfmark: C.194.c.16. ]

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Western Homestead by Claudia Hartley in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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Flower and Lime by Kathrine Lemke Waste in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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Into Thin Air by Elizabeth Pollie in Making Their Mark: American Women Artists at the Booth Museum.

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New reference!
Changed small details💙
Also new watermark:,3

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This 1934 work 'The Dustman or The Lovers,' is certainly true to Stanley Spencer’s famous remark: 'I am on the side of angels and of dirt.' It portrays a dustman, returned home to the arms of his wife. She lifts him up like Christ ascending to heaven in their front garden.

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✏️Drew this during the stream, follow me on twitch :3

✏️PSD and HD files without big watermark:



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mark: fuck yeah, you close, you close?

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어서와😉 리다무 웰컴키트 (~5/27)
첫 구매 독자님께, 전원 2천 포인트 뿅🌟뿅🌟~

카고아기 작가님 <Repeat Mark: 리핏 마크>

아직 시작 안하셨다면! 지금 츄라이츄라이~🏃‍♀️💕

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repeat mark: 리핏마크 2부 시작 첫째주!
앞으로도 잘부탁드립니다! 😍❤️❤️

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카고아기 2부 시작!
두번째 회귀, 이번엔 뭔가 달라🤔🤔

<Repeat Mark: 리핏 마크> 2부를 읽고 화별 댓글을 남겨주시면, 50명을 추첨하여 리디 포인트 300원 증정~💰 (~5/20)

선율이의 무럭무럭 성장물, 지금부터 함께 해요😚😚

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