George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, Trepanning a Recruit

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George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, The Wreckers

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George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, The Comforts of Industry

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George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, Happy Cottagers

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George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, Gipsy Encampment

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George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, Gipsy Camp

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George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, A Wintry Landscape

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George Morland, 1763 – 1804, English painter, A Soldier's Return

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This really shows the curiosity and thirst for adventure that Catherine Morland has throughout Northanger Abbey. A great piece of Jane Austen art.

Northanger Abbey by

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W.Witherington(1785-1865)English painter/academic.Early works mostly landscapes. Influence of artists like G.Morland r seen in the importance he gave 2 the figurative element in his paintings. Harsh realities of rural life not depicted,but instead records incidents of family life

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Morten Morland on and - political cartoon gallery in London original-political-cartoon

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Morten Morland on Fireworks night and Theresa May's Brexit battle - political cartoon gallery in London

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Morten Morland on being outed by     - political cartoon gallery in London

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Morland Crescentshore, Captain of the Queen's Guard
(and npc of my heart. happy birthday !!)

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Morten Morland on rail fare hikes – political cartoon gallery in Putney

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Morten Morland
Morland Cartoons:
The Times:

🔸 'Etiquette,' 15 Jul 2018. Morten Morland, The Times.

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Morten Morland
Morland Cartoons:
The Times:

Brexit quitters...

🔸 'Wrexiters,' 10 Jul 2018. Morten Morland, The Times.

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Morten Morland on David Davis and Boris Johnson’s resignation over Brexit deal agreed at Chequers - Political Cartoon Gallery in Putney

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Morten Morland
Morland Cartoons:
The Times:

🔸 'I Wrestled with Myself Over the Issue...,' 17 Oct 2017. Morten Morland, The Times.

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