Got a cool and crisp 24 hour suspension on TikTok for posting my painting of Danny DeVito. What’s funny is that they claim to make exceptions for nudity for artistic purposes. I guess that TikTok gets to decide what art is now? Literally never had this issue w/ any other platform

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A closer look at my character Luka Raganaught. He is a fun and bubbly personality and has a pension for trouble. A draconian bloodline sorcerer firbolg, descendent of a white dragon.

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📣 Announcement 📣

We’ve undertaken ground-breaking research and found that making your pension green is 21x more powerful at cutting your carbon than:

✈️ Giving up flying
🥬 Going veggie
💡 Switching energy provider


More here:

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Maiko221V’s suspension is off again. 🤦🏻‍♀️🤖
Mutant geisha bots.Did a redraw of some of my old ink sketches.

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First Chair

※ Sold for the Benefit of The Philadelphia Orchestra Pension Fund

보통 오케스트라의 수석 단원을 맡는 사람이라면 상당한 실력을 가지고 있기 때문에, 협주곡이 아님에도 음악 중간에 솔로 파트가 나온다면 보통 이러한 솔로 파트는 수석 단원이 맡아서 연주하는 편임.

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in 1779, Congress awarded Margaret Corbin the first US military pension to a woman. In the 1776 battle for New York, her husband was killed. She took over his cannon, aiming so well that advancing forces stopped in order to focus on stopping her fire.

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Soy pensionista, yes, por fin.
Also, ahora toca controlarse, he devuelto algunos préstamos (poco a poco, os lo prometo), pero también me di unos caprichos baratos, de Aliexpress, vamos.

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映画はそもそもその表現形式含めて“嘘”なので、「リアリティがない」「ありえない」「ツッコミどころ満載」という批判は「自分は魅了(fascinate)されなかったので“不信の一時停止(suspension of disbelief)の境地には入らなかった」と言い換えられることが多いと思われる。その閾値は人それぞれ…

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My picture, artist 2021 'Fragments, Refusing Totality and Wholeness' created using ink, cutpaper, graphite, acrylic & twine on paper. At Felipe solo in art gallery, London E2 6GQ

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Well i guess it comes to this huh, before i get really emoi later imma just share my coco edits during her and haachama's suspension last year
in the span of 18 days i transformed our beloved Kaichou into well something i guess
day 1-4

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Nonostante le accuse mosse da Britney in tribunale, il giudice Penny non ha preso in considerazione la sospensione di Jamie Spears dal ruolo di tutore.

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'I do not advise him to purchase the silence or the support of brawlers; or to pension those diurnal vassals of the press who subsist by their petulance and scandal."

(Img of George Ensor: British Museum collection)

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Hui comença la I Fira del Manga i la Cultura Japonesa de la Vila Joiosa i ja no s'accepten més sol·licituds d'inscripció.
Les úniques activitats per a les quals queden places són l'Anime Fòrum de dilluns, dimarts i dijous en la Llar del Pensionista.

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Hey it's Em here for I'm a monster loving horror fan with a pension for Pretty things✨
You can support me on patreon or kofi if you like!

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The hardest and most frustrating thing about the account suspension is having to restart/rebuild a following to get my artwork back out there.

Any/all RT’s are greatly appreciated ❣️

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O'Connor later got whacked for his troubles but Carew was not one to welch on a debt. After the war he ensured Margaret, O'Connor's widow received a pension of £100 per annum. Lucky old Margaret....

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Return of my dumb d&d doodles
Glad I didn’t freeze my character to death lol

Saffron the nomadic ranger fire Genasi
Bar’ee the Persian tabaxi
Kila the bronze Dragonborn pensioner
T.E.Lawrence the elf rogue
Snjot the goblin genie (j is silent)

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Tats is not a tankie, he's a right-wing anti-sjw. He publicly denounced communism and compared twitter suspension to being in Gulag.

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