I drew the main characters of the wip I sent out to agents and I got them printed on a pillow! I love having my characters in my reading chair 🥰

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I have just one query...

(haters will say it's only on one condition)

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The Raven - Watercolor Painting "... rapping, rapping at my chamber door...tapping at my chamber door— Poe my manuscript about my father as a boy and his pet crow. Day 6 Prompt 3 - Rapping, Rapping, Tapping

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Turning into a kid-friendly illustration for today’s was a fun challenge. How did everyone else do?

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of -

music and dancing makes everything just a teeny bit better.

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This illustration is a bit of a stretch for the prompt which is the prompt, but who cares! This was a blast to create. Adults behaving badly is one of my favorite subjects to draw.

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Hey; I'm Lauren, she/her but of the fluidflux kind

I'm an aspiring pro author & eternally amateur artist

I've made more money from art commissions though, now that I think about it, which is weird??

I hope to have a MS to query soon

and a job

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Janis Joplin - Jacki Kellum Watercolor Painting - I have written a picture book biography about Janis. I hope to retain some of this looseness and energy in the However, I also want to capture her still blueness, too.

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My query would bring the ganja and make a day out of it

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WAYWARD SONS is a "Gaaays in Space" New Adult novel.
Neurodiverse cast, strong LGBT themes and family drama, because aliens too can clash with their parents, have medical conditions, quit their job and fall in love. 🏳️‍🌈🚀

Pitch in replies — illustration below by me

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D24 - Check- in
Epic Fantasy:
✅finish query and synopsis
🔁final review of first ten pages
YA Fantasy:
🔁cont. edits of Part I
🔁Revisit my blog and make updates.
❌Exercise - walk and strength
Its an endurance run, folks...
Artist: S Sarrailh

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Doing several things this weekend. Reworking query & synopsis for my Epic Fantasy. Editing Part 1 of YA Fantasy to tighten it and improve conflict/tension.
website: https://t.co/VBkqOf6FAy check out the other pages.

Artist: A Steinbauer

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I'm a non-binary (fluidflux!) author & amateur artist about to query a book I adore & open to art commissions!

I'm currently unemployed, so any support helps ♡

I have a Patreon at https://t.co/KJNtXhB31M

and info about my writing is in my pinned Tweet

Thank you so much! 💖

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Seeing a new trend in my box this weekend:

Christmas stories.

(If only snow, not ash, was falling outside my window.)

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Ballerina: the Lady Who Rides the Horses - Character Study for my new picture book manuscript: When Pete Stole the Circus. Created in This is a true story about my dad and his dog - set during the Great Depression.

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I made it! I'm sleepy but here- without coffee for fear of waking the family. I knocked out a query, started a rough draft for Fall Writing Frenzy contest, and now onto WIP. Feeling good!

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“American kids won’t understand/relate to this story” was the response I got several times while querying I hope that now, more students will learn to empathize with those who have less, while those kids who are struggling will be inspired to not give up.

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Now that I’ve done some massive edits I’m querying again! Hoping to share this guy’s epic story with the world soon 😉 (Art by the talented )

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My year-round deep-dive Halloween podcast comes out next Tuesday and I want to hear from you!

Call the All Hallows Hotline and leave me your favorite Halloween memory or spooky query! What do you want to learn about Halloween?

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