Here's just another sketch of Reiki I did, experimenting with a new lineart and soft shade art style

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面靈氣 🎭 Menreiki

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AND Wow what a great combination for true and Come and tonight with myself and the beautiful and

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1 - Oldest OC: I don't use her nearly as often anymore, but this is Reiki! She was the first kind of serious OC I ever made and I still love her dearly to this day.

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Piešti ant iPad su Apple Pencil yra nerealiai smagu. Tik reikia įvaldyti programas :) Tai žaidžiu truputį.

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[Jumputi] New Heroes Gacha (ガチャ)
Reiki Kikoku (God Sider)
鬼哭霊気 (ゴッドサイダー)

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Just unlocked Miimo Lust! So kawaii! <3 |

I AM SHREIKING INTERNALLY!!! I had no clue how to get these but now I do!! EEE! Thank you !

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💜💎Smokey Amethyst💎💜



~elevated conciousness



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Join me 11/11, 4-6pm for a small group gathering with individual with messages from your and group messages!

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Inzending door Dr. Fritz ('Niet meer van deze tijd', ). De die seksueel misbruik en intimidatie uit het taboe haalde, dreigt soms door te slaan. Prijsuitreiking a.s. dinsdag.

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Inzending door Bas van der Schot ('Like', ). Facebook en de verslaving aan de sociale media. Prijsuitreiking a.s. dinsdag.

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Inzending door Bas van der ('De gewone multinational', ). Dividendbelasting afgeschaft. Prijsuitreiking 25 september.

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