Introducing my new truesona!
I’m still debating on a name (either Lionel or Apollo….) but they are a cat who was raised by tanukis!

They a based off of u flowers and love the rain!
with a bit of magical knowledge, they love to scurry around the wilds and cause a bit of trouble!

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What my says to me August 23 - In everything you scurry around and do, do it with love filled intention.

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I'll just dump some sketches here and scurry off again~ www

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There’s a lot of beautiful spreads in Scurry but this one of my favourites. I think it shows a lot of what Beast Fables is about, in a single image.

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I wrote a whole game about animals going on fast paced adventures! You can be any kind of beast you want (cats big or small!)

It’s called SCURRY and it’s available digitally no physically all of the world :D

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hey wanna be a crazy wee critter scrabbling through conflicts to solve an increasingly hilarious set of problems? BOY do I have the game for you its called SCURRY because you're SCURRYING to or away from your problems you can be a rat or an owl or anything your heart can dream of

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Hey! You want a fast-paced, tense adventure with a hilarious ending, right?

You should play Scurry! Simple rules that everyone can understand, infinite character customisation, and (best of all) you can be any animal you can imagine.

Fabulous art by <3

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Scurry is, by far, the prettiest book I’ve made to date. It’s just so vibrant. I really learnt a lot in designing and illustrating it !

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gonna drop this and quickly scurry back into the shadows cuz am shy

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That's a wrap! Scurry is finished!

If you missed out on the Kickstarter, there's still plenty of books in the UK, and with US distributors. Check out the lin in my bio for more info :)

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Them: Oh I'm looking for a kind gental macro! 😃

Me: Well that's not here. So why don't you scurry along bug, before end up like gum under my shoe. 👿

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Scurry just started pre-order fulfilment! It’s a fast paced single session game about animals on a speedy adventure.

The toughest part is how many hats you have to wear when making your own projects. Writer, illustrator, editor, designer, sales, social media, logistics, and more

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A three-part campaign, In The Wake of Titans, awaits
you inside Scurry, following the headstrong and morally ambiguous magpie, Cinéad. Pre-orders close in only two more days!!!

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Did you know that you can get a 25% discount on Vice & Virtue when you pre-order Scurry? Did you also know that the deal ends on the 25th of June when pre-orders close?

Well, now you do >:3

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Something for your Sunday watch playlist- Ask Once! A live play one-shot walk through the Scurry system, and the first adventure of three from the newly-debuted zine :3

Catch on the DOAD youtube -

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In this perpetual hurry and scurry that we call ‘life’, is there space for those of us who want to do nothing?

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